
澳门“一国两制”成功经验与深层规律——基于港澳比较的研究视角 被引量:9

The Successful Experience of and Laws Governing the Application of "One Country,Two Systems" in Macao——Based on a Comparison of Hong Kong and Macao
摘要 在新时代下澳门已被纳入国家发展大局。与香港经验相比,澳门回归近20年来实践"一国两制"的成功经验包括:有机结合全面管治权与高度自治权、维护宪法与基本法作为特区的宪制基础、积极履行维护国家安全立法的宪制责任、积极推行国民教育。澳门特区政府全面准确贯彻"一国两制""澳人治澳"、高度自治的方针,这个方针也是澳门"一国两制"成功实践的基本规律。未来阻碍澳门继续成功实践"一国两制"的主要问题还很多,助推澳门同祖国内地同发展、共繁荣需要凝聚与培养爱国爱澳力量;加大国民教育、宪法与基本法宣传教育;积极参与"一带一路"与粤港澳大湾区建设;依法推进廉政建设,助推澳门廉政政府生成;在合宪性审查时代下助推澳门法制融入国家发展大局;繁荣《澳门基本法》研究与成功推广澳门实践"一国两制"经验之路。 In the new era,Macao has been incorporated into the general arrangements for national development.Comparing with Hong Kong,the successful experience of Macao in applying the principle of "one country,two systems"after its return to China 20 years ago include organically combining overall jurisdiction and high-degree autonomy,maintaining both the Chinese Constitution and the Basic Law as its constitutional basis,actively fulfilling the constitutional responsibility of making national security laws,and energetically promoting national education.The Macao SAR Government comprehensively and accurately implements the principle of "one country,two systems"under which the people of Macao govern Macao with a high degree of autonomy This principle is also the basic law governing the successful application of "one country,two systems"in Macao.There are still many major problems that hinder Macao's continued successful practice of "one country;two systems".In order to promote the common development and prosperity of Macao and the Mainland,it is necessary to unite and cultivate patriotic forces of both of them;increase national education and people's awareness of the Constitution and Basic Law;actively participate in the "Belt and Road"initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area project;build clean government in accordance with the law, and help Macao to do the same;integrate Macao's legal system into the overall national development in the era of constitutional review;and encourage the "Macao Basic Law"research and publicize Macao's experience in implementing the principle of "one country,two systems."
作者 邹平学 Zou Pingxue
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第21期13-24,共12页 Frontiers
关键词 澳门 “一国两制” 全面管治权 高度自治权 国民教育 Macao "one country two systems" overall jurisdiction high-degree autonomy national education
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