

The Lv Xue Theory:“Inheritance of the Central Plains Literature” and Its Ideological Origin
摘要 吕祖谦作为南宋著名思想家,其创立的吕学是南宋浙学的一个重要学派。学术界公认吕学深受其家学的影响并且得"中原文献之传",但是学术界对于什么是吕氏家学及吕学所得"中原文献之传"存在许多不同认识,而这更进一步涉及对吕学的思想渊源、性质问题的理解。实际上,吕学所得"中原文献之传"既指其家族中经过战乱南迁后仍难得地保留了来自原有文化中心中原地区的大量珍贵的图书典籍,更进一步指吕氏家学中保留了大量用某些载体把北宋以来中原学者们对各种经典、典章制度等的理解、诠释及传授和各种先贤的见闻、言论、掌故、公案等予以记录的文字资料。因此,吕祖谦所传其家学及"中原文献",正是整个北宋的思想学术及其文化精神,而这也说明了吕学自有渊源,其学虽然博采众长,兼收并蓄,却又不是简单的综合拼凑众说,而是自成一说,卓然成家,最终以自己独特的思想路径和深广的思维向度,成为南宋浙学基本精神的典型代表。 As a famous thinker in the Southern Song Dynasty,Lv Zuqian founded his Lv Xue Theory, an important branch of Zhejiang school of philosophy during Southern Song Dynasty.It was recognized by academic circles that this theory was deeply influenced by his family learning heritage and also had "inheritance from the Central Plains Literature".However,there were many different understandings in the academic circles as to what Lv's family learning and Lv Xue Theory's "inheritance of the Central Plains Literature"were,which further involved in the understanding of the ideological origin and nature issues of Lv Xue theory.In fact,Lv Zuqian's "inheritance of the Central Plains Literature"meant that a large number of valuable books from the Central Plains of the original cultural center still were retained in the family after they moved south after the war,even further referring to Lv's family learning literature which derived from a number of textual materials that had been used to record the understanding,interpretation,and teaching of the various scholars of the Central Plains on various classics,laws,rules,etc.,as well as on the stories, remarks,accounts,and public accounts of various sages since the Northern Song Dynasty.Therefore,Lv Zuqian's inheritance of both his family leaning and the "the Central Plains Literature"was itself precisely the academic ideology of the entire Northern Song Dynasty and its cultural spirit.This also illustrates the own origins of Lv Xue Theory.Although borrowing widely others'strong points and being open to other thought, his learning was not a simple synthesis of the opinions of the public,but independent doctrine on their own,outstanding as one school of his own.They eventually became the typical representatives of the basic spirit of Zhe Xue school philosophy during Southern Song Dynasty in their own unique ideological route and a wide dimension of thinking.
作者 朱晓鹏 Zhu Xiaopeng(Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期107-114,154,159,共10页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目"南宋浙学的文化精神及现代意义研究"(13YJA720028) 浙江省社科规划项目"南宋浙学的文化精神与当代浙江发展研究"(11JCWH09YB)的阶段性成果
关键词 吕学 “中原文献之传” 思想渊源 南宋浙学 Lv Xue Theory "inheritance of the Central Plains Literature" ideological origin Zhe Xue school philosophy during Southern Song Dynasty
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