

Observe Regulation of Implementation,Improve Top-level Design and Promote New Development of Non-governmental Education:Summary of the Symposium on the Topic of Regulations on the Implementation of Non-governmental Education Promotion Law( Revised Version)
摘要 2018年8月18日,由全国民办教育研究联盟秘书处发起、浙江树人大学中国民办高等教育研究院承办的"《民办教育促进法实施条例(修订草案)(送审稿)》专题研讨会"在杭州召开。30余位地方教育管理部门的代表、民办高校管理者和举办者、民办教育政策研究专家学者参加本次研讨会。与会者对教育部和司法部分别发布的《民办教育促进法实施条例(修订草案)(征求意见稿)》《民办教育促进法实施条例(修订草案)(送审稿)》进行比较分析,普遍认为《送审稿》对公办学校品牌输出、集团化办学行为和关联交易活动加以规范十分必要,同时对民办培训教育机构(含在线)纳入监管并允许民办学校跨区域招生等规定表示欢迎。与会者也对《送审稿》存在的一些问题进行深入探讨并提出相关建议:需对集团化办学、兼并收购、协议控制和语言能力等概念作出更清晰的界定;在优先维护受教育者权益的基础上,还需兼顾其他利益相关者的诉求,特别需重视保护和调动各类民办教育举办者的办学积极性;彻底解决产权问题,以扫清法律落地的障碍等。 The Symposium on Regulations on the Implementation of Non-governmental Education Promotion Law (Revised Draft) (Draft for Review)initiated by the Secretariat of the National Non-governmental Education Research Association and sponsored by the China Non-governmental Higher Education Institute of Zhejiang Shuren University was held in Hangzhou on August 18,2018. More than 30representatives from local education management departments,managers and organizers of non-governmental institutions of higher learning,and research experts and scholars of non-governmental education policy attended the symposium.Participants conducted a comparative analysis of the Regulations on the Implementation of Non-governmental Education Promotion Law (Revised Draft)(Draft for Comment)and the Regulation on the Implementation of Non-governmental Education Promotion Law (Revised Draft)(Draft for Review)issued by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Justice,respectively.It was conclu- ded that the intention of the Draft for Review to standardize the export of public school brand,group-run schools and related-party transactions,is necessary.At the same time,it welcomed the regulation of non-governmental education and training institutions (including online ones)and cross-regional enrollment.Participants also conducted in-depth discussions on some of the issues in the Draft Review and made relevant recommendations including:clearly defining the concept of group-run education,mergers and acquisitions,agreement control and language ability;when prioritizing the protection of the rights and interests of the students, the demands of other stakeholders also being taking account of;paying particular attention to the protection and mobilization of the enthusiasm of all kinds of non-governmental education organizers to thoroughly solve the property rights issue,so as to clear the obstacles to the law enforcement.
作者 徐绪卿 毛红霞 XU Xuqing;MAO Hongxia(Zhejiang Shuren University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310015,China)
机构地区 浙江树人大学
出处 《浙江树人大学学报》 2018年第5期1-6,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University
关键词 《民办教育促进法实施条例》 品牌输出 集团化办学 在线教育 跨区域招生 关联交易 Regulation on the Implementation of Non-governmental Education Promotion Law brand export group-run school online education cross-regional enrollment connected transactions
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