踏上前途未卜的西藏之旅20世纪上半叶的西藏是一方雪域“禁土”,极少有外国使团能够穿过莽莽雪山的封锁,抵达富于神秘色彩的“圣城”拉萨。1939年初,一支来自纳粹德国的西藏考察队出人意料地来到了布达拉宫脚下,这支由德国纳粹探险家恩斯特·舍费尔(Ernst Schaefer)领导,并得到恶名昭彰的党卫队头目海因里希·希姆莱强力支持的考察队,其人藏的使命、行程与收获,一直以来都是历史学家乃至科幻作家们探寻与想象的主题。
At the beginning of 1939, a Tibetan expedition from Nazi Germany passed through the blockade of the Snow Mountain and arrived at the mysterious‘ Holy City’ Lhasa. This action, which combines political speculation, military peeping and scientific expeditions, is also a large-scale image survey activity with large quantity and wide range of topics. It is also the earliest image archive of Tibetan natural humanities in the first half of the 20th century.
Tibet Geographic