Joumalist:Guangxi has built beautiful new villages.Tell us how the agricultural plans will promote rural development in the coming three years,by 2020 that is.Lu Xinshe:Rural revitalization,set forth by the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core,will modernize Guangxi.Policy documents such as the Decision on Implementing the Strategy of Rural Revitalization and the Three-Year Action Plan on Upgrading Rural Infrastructure and Public Service delineate six projects.In stlpport,the Fourth Plenary of our region's llth CPC Committee,the Rural Work Conference,and the Revitalization Promotion Conference focus on rural industry,high-caliber personnel, culture,ecology and organizations in these areas:*Reinvigorating agriculture comes first.Integrating quality,environment,and modernization in industry,we will shift provincial agriculture from solely production to quality.