

Parameterization investigation on water-spray laws of front tire of large transport aircraft
摘要 在刚体与弹性体轮胎模型计算对比优选基础上,基于弹性体前机轮SPH方法参数化研究,初步形成了大型运输机的溅水规律,并通过工程算法检验了其正确性。研究结果表明,溅水正视角、各高度上溅水量都随滑跑速度、水域水深增加而呈增加趋势,当滑跑速度为56 m/s、溅水正视角达到临界值时,在水深10 mm附近,各高度上水量分布会出现一次极值;相同溅水条件下,带花纹轮胎比光滑轮胎溅水量多。 According to the comparison of the results of solid and pneumatic tire models,the spraying water laws of elastic front tires of large transport aircraft are established through smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)method,and it is verified for correctness by engineering algorithm.The results show that the front-view water-spray angle and the water sprayed at different heights increases with the increase of taxiing speed and the depth of water;the front-view of water-spray angle gets its critical value at the taxiing speed of 56m/s;the water sprayed at various heights gets an extreme value at the depth of water about 10 mm;the tire with tread pattern sprays more water than the tire without tread pattern when other conditions are the same.
作者 卫永斌 段卓毅 WEI Yong-bin;DUAN Zhuo-yi(General Configuration and Aerodynamic Design Institute,Xi'an Aircraft Design Institute, Xi'an 710089,China)
出处 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期78-82,共5页 Flight Dynamics
关键词 弹性体 SPH方法 溅水分布 临界溅水正视角 elastic SPH method water distribution critical front-view water-spray angle
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