
城市集聚—扩散效应:空间信息场叠加模型下的中国城市空间资源配置研究 被引量:2

Urban Agglomeration Diffusion Effect: Spatial Distribution of Chinese Urban Space under the Overlay Model of Spatial Information Field
摘要 十八大以来党中央提出要健全国土空间开发、资源节约利用的机制体制,从严、合理供给城市建设用地,提高城市空间资源配置效率。2017年10月18日,习近平总书记在十九大报告中特别强调要深化行政体制改革,统筹使用各类编制资源,形成科学合理的管理体制,构建国土空间开发保护制度,完善主体功能区配套政策。集聚-扩散效应是各类要素在空间中流动的重要动力来源,促使空间的重构和地区及城市经济社会发展向更高层次变迁。研究梳理建立出城市集聚-扩散作用机理及演化规律的理论框架,基于理论框架联系物理场的概念,提出创新性的构建城市集聚-扩散效应:空间信息场叠加模型。研究对空间信息场叠加模型进行MATLAB软件程序开发,计算得到集聚-扩散效应下城市边界及承载力范围,实现对城市空间资源配置的系统性评估。研究发现就全国整体水平而言,各城市集聚-扩散效应发展水平差异性较大,城市边界及承载力与其综合实力正向相关。东部地区城市集聚-扩散效应发展良好,城市边界及承载力适中。中部地区城市之间存在空间挤压,城市承载力过高,城市扩散能力受限。西部地区城市集聚-扩散效应发展水平较弱,城市空间资源配置效率较低阻碍了其集聚-扩散效应发展。最后,据此提出了相应的政策建议。 Since the 18th National Party Congress,the Party Central Committee has proposed a mechanism and system for the development of national land and space,resource conservation and utilization,strict and reasonable provision of urban construction land,and improvement of urban space resource allocation efficiency.On October 18,2017,General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted the need to deepen the reform of the administrative system, make overall plans for the use of all types of preparation resources,form a scientific and rational management system,and establish a national space development protection system to improve supporting policies for the main functional areas.The agglomeration-diffusion effect is an important driving force for the flow of various elements in space,which promotes the reconstruction of space and changes in regional and urban economic and social development to a higher level.The study combs and establishes the theoretical framework of the agglomeration-diffusion mechanism and evolution law of urban agglomerations.Based on the concept of the physical field in relation to the theoretical framework,the innovative construction of urban agglomeration-diffusion effect:the spatial information field superposition model is constructed.The MATLAB software program was developed for the superposition model of spatial information field,and the city boundary and bearing capacity range under the agglomeration-diffusion effect were calculated,and the systematic evaluation of urban space resource allocation was realized.According to the research findings,the level of agglomeration-diffusion effect in each city is different in terms of the overall level of the country,and the urban boundary and bearing capacity are positively related to its overall strength.The urban agglomeration-diffusion effect in the eastern region developed well,and the urban boundary and carrying capacity were moderate.There is a spatial squeeze between cities in the central region,the city's carrying capacity is too high,and the city's ability to diffuse is limited.The development level of urban agglomeration-diffusion effect in the western region is weak,and the low efficiency of urban spatial resource allocation hinders the development of its agglomeration-diffusion effect.Based on this,it put forward corresponding policy recommendations.
作者 曾鹏 李洪涛 Zeng Peng;Li Hongtao
出处 《海派经济学》 CSSCI 2018年第3期82-112,共31页 Journal of Economics of Shanghai School
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“中西部地区城市群培育与人口就近城镇化实现路径研究”(15XJL002)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 集聚-扩散效应 空间信息场叠加模型 空间资源配置 城市边界 城市承载力 Agglomeration-diffusion Effect Spatial Information Field Superposition Model Spatial Resource Allocation Urban Boundary Urban Bearing Capacity
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