
出口与企业雇佣的性别偏好——来自中国制造业企业的经验证据 被引量:6

Export and Gender Employment Prejudice——Firm-Level Evidence from China
摘要 基于中国制造业企业层面的面板数据,本文估计了企业雇佣的性别偏好,借以检验出口对中国制造业企业的性别雇佣偏好的影响。在控制企业的个体属性后,与非出口企业相比,出口企业具有更高的女性雇佣偏好;伴随企业出口规模的扩大,企业的女性雇佣偏好也将显著增长。考虑到样本的抽样偏倚和可能存在的内生性问题后,结论依然稳健。出口企业面临更为激烈的市场竞争,而市场竞争程度的加剧,将进一步增强出口对制造业企业的女性雇佣偏好的正向影响。出口对企业性别雇佣偏好的影响还存在着分布上的差异性,其主要提高了企业对低技能女性劳动力的雇佣偏好,并对出口比例较大的地区和行业中的女性就业产生了更大的正面溢出效应。本文对于在深化改革开放进程中,提高我国女性就业机会,实现性别就业平等方面具有较重要的政策意义。 Based on the firm-level panel data of Chinese manufacturing enterprises,this paper estimates enterprises’ gender employment prejudice and analyzes the influence of export on it. After controlling the individual characteristics of the enterprise,export enterprises have a higher preference for the female labor force compared with the non-export ones. With the growth of export value,the employment preference for women will also increase significantly. The conclusion is still robust when considering the sample bias and the problem of endogeneity. Export enterprises are facing more competitive environments,and the more competitive the market is,the greater the positive impact of an enterprise’ s export on its female employment preference is. The positive influence of export is also asymmetric in the distribution of enterprises. It mainly increases the employment preference of enterprises for low-skilled female labor force and produces a greater positive spillover effect on the employment of women in regions and industries with a larger export proportion. This paper has more important policy implications for providing employment opportunities for women and achieving gender equality in deepening the process of reform and opening up.
作者 郑妍妍 李磊 刘鹏程 ZHENG Yanyan;LI Lei;LIU Pengcheng
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期96-108,共13页 Journal of International Trade
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"贸易自由化与中国女性就业和工资--影响机制 实证检验与政策研究"(17YJC790210) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"最低工资对中国企业‘走出去’的影响及对策研究"(17YJC790072) 国家自然科学基金青年项目"经济全球化对我国创业的影响--理论研究与实证分析"(71603142) 天津外国语大学科研规划项目"全球化与性别就业差距:基于家庭分工结构变迁视角的研究"(17YB02)
关键词 出口 雇佣 性别偏好 制造业 Export Employment Gender Prejudice Manufacture
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