

ADisassembly Product Design and Pricing Strategy Model
摘要 废旧品的拆解是再制造活动的重要环节,拆解难易对再制造成本、零件质量和再制造周期有重要影响。假设原始设备制造商(OEM)在新产品设计时考虑可拆解性,相应地将产生与可拆解水平相关的投入成本和减少再制造成本。在考虑可拆解性和不考虑可拆解性两种情况下,分别建立了以OEM利润最大化为目标的两阶段带约束条件的数学规划模型,通过K-T条件得出最优策略。最后通过解析方法和数值算例对决策变量和目标函数进行了灵敏度分析和模型对比。 The disassembly of waste products is an important part of remanufacturing activities.The difficulty of disassembly has an important impact on the remanufacturing costs,the parts quality and the remanufacturing cycle.Assume that the original equipment manufacturer(OEM)considers disassembly in new product design.Accordingly,it will generate invested costs associated with disassembly levels and reduce remanufacturing costs.Under the disassembly and non-disassembly circumstances,it sets up two-stage mathematics programming models with constraints to maximize OEM’s profit,and obtains optimal strategies by using K-T condition.Finally,it carries out the sensitivity analysis of the decision variables and the objective functions,as well as compares the two models by means of analytical methods and numerical examples.
作者 杨爱峰 宋明珠 詹倩颖 胡小建 YANG Ai-feng;SONG Ming-zhu;ZHAN qian-ying;HU Xiao-jian(School of Management,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei 230009,China)
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期30-38,共9页 Systems Engineering
基金 自然科学基金青年项目(71301038) 教育部人文社会科学基金资助项目(16YJA630017)
关键词 再制造 可拆解性 产品设计 定价 Remanufacturing Disassembly Product Design Pricing Strategy
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