
中国旅游业与农村贫困减缓:事实与解释 被引量:15

Tourism and Rural Poverty Alleviation in China: Facts and Interpretations
摘要 旅游业与贫困减缓关系的实践认知领先于与此相关的经验研究,主要是因为旅游业对贫困的减缓效应始终未得到相对客观的评估,核心关键在于,鲜有旅游文献对贫困进行准确测度。为此,本文在旅游文献中较早引入更加精确的贫困FGT指数,以对中国农村的绝对和相对贫困予以定量识别,然后基于中国1999-2014年省级面板数据,对旅游业与农村贫困减缓关系分别进行全样本和分地区实证检验,进而有效提升了对中国旅游业减缓农村贫困长期效应检验的准确性。研究结果表明,首先,除东部地区之外,无论是全国样本还是中西部地区,旅游业分别对农村贫困广度、深度和强度具有显著积极的减缓效应,由此更加全面地奠定了旅游业导向型贫困减缓(TLPR)研究在中国案例的可行性;其次,旅游业可以显著降低农村绝对贫困人口规模,但在相对贫困层面,旅游业在缩小贫困缺口的同时还伴随着农村贫困人口内部收入分配的不平等现象。然后,东部地区旅游业与农村贫困发生率之间存在非线性U型关系,旅游业对农村相对贫困并无影响。另外,旅游业对西部地区农村绝对贫困规模的减缓效应最大,但也加剧了贫困人口内部的收入差距。 Although the academia believe that tourism has the potential to alleviate poverty,the in-depth analysis of the effect mechanism has not received sufficient attention,and it lacks empirical research on the relationship between tourism and poverty alleviation,leading to academic controversy on whether tourism can alleviate poverty. The practical experience of the relationship between tourism and poverty alleviation is ahead of empirical research,mainly because the effect of tourism on poverty alleviation has not been objectively assessed,and the key lies in the fact that poverty is not measured quantitatively in tourism literature.Therefore,this paper introduces the multi-dimensional and more comprehensive Foster-Greer-Thor- becke (FGT)index earlier to quantitatively identify the absolute and relative poverty of China's rural areas,and investigates the relation- ship tourism and rural poverty alleviation in the full sample and sub-regional samples.Based on the provincial panel data of China from 1999to 2014,the empirical analysis of the relationship between tourism and rural poverty alleviation was carried out.The aim is to effectively improve the accuracy of the long-term effects of tourism on rural poverty alleviation.First,tourism has a significant negative effect of tourism on poverty headcount ratio,poverty gap and poverty severity except for the eastern region,thus more fully laying out the feasibility of tourism-led poverty alleviation (TLPR)study in China. Second,tourism can not only significant alleviate the poverty head- count ratio,however,in the relative poverty level,but also narrow the poverty gap,accompanied by inequality in the distribution of in- come within the poor.Moreover,there exists a non-linear,inverted-U shaped relationship between tourism and poverty headcount ratio,but tourism has no effect of poverty alleviation on relative poverty in the eastern region.In addition,the effect of tourism's poverty alleviation the western region is the greatest,but it also exacerbates the income gap within the poor.This paper adds the objective empirical evidence from China for the field of tourism and poverty alleviation,so it effectively expands the research system of the.relationship between tourism and poverty alleviation.
作者 赵磊 吴媛 Zhao Lei;Wu Yuan(School of Economics and Management,Zhejiang University of Technology)
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期142-155,共14页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14CGL023) 国家自然科学基金项目(71874160、71774142)资助
关键词 旅游业 农村 贫困减缓 FGT指数 中国 Tourism Rural Areas Poverty Alleviation Fos- ter-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT)Index China
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