
“国际共产主义运动史”与“世界社会主义”的关系--访王学东教授 被引量:1

The Relationship between "the History of International Communist Movement" and "Contemporary World Socialism"——Interviewwith Professor Wang Xuedong
摘要 "国际共产主义运动史"与"世界社会主义"的关系是一个十分重要的话题。苏东剧变以后,传统的国际共运史学科受到冲击,"世界社会主义"概念开始被频繁使用,国际共运史学科在越来越多的场合被改称为世界社会主义学科,一度出现了用"世界社会主义"替代"国际共运史"的趋势。不过现在看来,这种做法是不可取的。"世界社会主义"与"国际共运史"虽然密切相关,甚至有部分内容相互重合,但是它们的研究对象和研究范围还是有显著区别的,不可等同视之,更不能相互替代。应当用当代世界社会主义来延续或补充国际共运史,而不能用世界社会主义来取代国际共运史。因此,为促进学科发展,有必要从学科建设的角度厘清两者的关系,搞清它们之间的联系与区别。本刊就此问题对我国著名的国际共产主义运动史专家王学东教授进行了专访,以期帮助学界更好地理解"国际共产主义运动史"与"世界社会主义"之间的关系,为相关学科建设和发展提供参考。 The relationship between "the History of International Communist Movement"and "World Socialism"is a very important topic.After the drastic changes of eastern Europe and Soviet Union,the traditional subject of international communist movement history was impacted,and the concept of "World Socialism"began to be frequently used.The subject of international communist movement history was renamed as "World Socialism"on more and more occasions,and there was a tendency to replace "International Communist Movement History"with "World Socialism".But now it seems that this approach is not desirable.Although "World Socialism"and "the History of International Communist Movement" are closely related and some contents even overlap with each other,there are still significant differences in the research objects and scopes between them,which cannot be regarded as equivalent and cannot be replaced with each other.The contemporary world socialism should be used to continue or supplement the history of international communist movement, and the world socialism should not replace the history of international communist movement.Therefore,in order to promote the development of the discipline,it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the two from the perspective of discipline construction,and make clear the connection and difference between them.This paper conducted an interview with professor Wang Xuedong,an expert on the history of international communist movement in China,in order to help the academic circle better understand the relationship between the history of international communist movement and world socialism,and provide reference for the construction and development of related disciplines.
作者 王学东 邓岩 Wang Xuedong;Deng Yan
出处 《社会主义研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期31-35,共5页 Socialism Studies
关键词 国际共产主义运动史 世界社会主义 科学社会主义 《国际共产主义动运历史文献》 International Communist Movement History World Socialism Scientific Socialism Historical Documents on the International Communist Movement
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