Myanmar is a country with an economy based on agriculture.It has rich agricultural resources and great potential for development.The development of agriculture in Myanmar is becoming increasingly important to international food security.Assessments of agricultural land resources in Myanmar are the basis for the country's agricultural development and for food security evaluations.In this paper we used the MaxEnt model to analyze the relationship between the suitability of land for agricultural reclamation and the main environmental variables in Myanmar,and then constructed a model to comprehensively evaluate the suitability of land for agriculture in Myanmar.The results show that:1)the overall accuracy of the MaxEnt model is high (AUC>0.8),which means there is a high correlation between the database of selected environmental indicators and the true distribution of cultivated land in Myanmar.2)Soil depth is the most important factor affecting the suitability of land for agriculture in Myanmar When the thickness of soil layer is less than 100 cm,the suitability of land for agriculture is low.With respect to topographic conditions,slope is the main factor affecting suitability.When the slope is greater than 20 degrees,the suitability of land for agriculture is low.With respect to climate conditions,precipitation is the main influencing factor. There is a positive correlation between river network density and land suitability.3)Currently,400000 km^2 of the land resources in Myanmar are suitable for agriculture,and of this amount 290000km^2 are highly suitable,accounting for nearly 40% of the country's land area.The highly suitable land is distributed mainly in Magway,Sagaing,Ayeyarwady and Yangon provinces.The provinces are also important grain production areas in Myanmar,and this serves to validate the effectiveness of the method used in this paper.
缅甸是一个以农业为主的国家,农业资源丰富、发展潜力巨大,其农业发展在国际粮食安全中的重要性日益凸显,对缅甸农业土地资源的评估,是对其农业发展和粮食安全评估的基础。本研究分析了缅甸适宜进行农业开垦的土地与主要环境变量之间的关系,构建了缅甸农业土地适宜性综合评价模型。评价结果表明:1)所选取的评价指标与缅甸农业土地适宜性之间具有较强的相关关系(AUC> 0.8),结合贡献度高低,筛选了包括土壤、气候、地形以及灌溉条件共11个主要因子;2)土壤厚度是影响缅甸农业土地适宜性的最主要的因子,土层厚度小于100cm时,农业土地适宜性较低;地形条件中,坡度是影响适宜性的主要的因素,当坡度大于20°时,农业土地适宜性较低;气候条件中,降水是主要的影响因素;河网密度与土地适宜性呈现出正相关的态势;3)缅甸当前适合进行农业生产的土地达到40万km^2,其中高度适宜性的土地(Grade5)面积达29万km^2,占国土面积的近40%;从行政区域来看,主要分布在马圭省、实皆省、伊洛瓦底省和仰光省,上述省份也是缅甸重要的粮食主产区。
The Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(ZDRW-ZS-2016-6-4)
Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA20040200)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41761144081