
芪草乳康散治疗奶牛隐性乳房炎的临床疗效试验 被引量:5

Clinical efficacy of Qicao Rukang powder in the treatment of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows
摘要 为了观察芪草乳康散对奶牛隐性乳房炎的临床治疗效果,试验将患隐性乳房炎的60头奶牛随机分为5组(分别为芪草乳康散高、中、低剂量组,万乳康药物对照组,阳性对照组),并选12头健康奶牛作为空白对照组,从给药前1日(第0天)起,每天观察并按组逐头记录奶牛的精神状态、饮食状况,于第0天、给药后第5天、给药后第10天检测各试验牛的隐性乳房炎的炎症度,分别统计各组痊愈率、总有效率,并在第0天和给药后第10天采集每头牛乳样测定乳脂肪、乳糖、乳蛋白含量,乳密度以及日均产奶量。结果表明:芪草乳康散高、中剂量组的痊愈率、总有效率好于低剂量组(P<0.05),略优于万乳康药物对照组(P>0.05),极显著高于阳性对照组(P<0.01);芪草乳康散高、中剂量组治疗前后的日均奶产量提高了2.03~2.54kg,且与低剂量组、万乳康药物对照组和阳性对照组均有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。说明芪草乳康散按150g/(头·d^-1)剂量连用5d能有效治疗奶牛隐性乳房炎。 The aim of the present study was to observe the clinical therapeutic effect of Qicao Rukang powder on subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Sixty dairy cows suffering from subclinical mastitis were randomly divided into 5 groups ( high,middle and low dose of Qicao Rukang powder group,Wanrukang drug control group and positive control group) ,and 12 healthy dairy cows were selected as blank control group.From the first day before administration ( day 0) ,the mental state and diet status of dairy cows were observed and recorded one by one. The inflammation degree of subclinical mastitis was detected on day 0,day 5 and day 10 after administration. The cure rate and total effective rate of each group were counted. And the milk samples were collected on day 0 and day 10 after administration. Then the milk fat,lactose,milk protein content, milk density and daily milk yield were measured.The results showed that the cure rate and total effective rate in the high and middle dose groups were better than those in the low dose group ( P<0. 05) ,slightly better than those in the Wanrukang control group ( P>0. 05) and significantly higher than those in the positive control group ( P<0. 01) . Before and after treatment,the average daily milk production of Qicao Rukang group increased by 2. 03-2. 54 kg,which was significantly different from that of the low dose group,Wanrukang drug control group and positive control group ( P<0. 05 or P<0. 01) . The results showed that Qicao Rukang powder could be used for 5 days at a dose of 150g daily dose per head to treat subclinical mastitis in dairy cows effectively.
作者 钟英杰 张会梅 庞云露 许小琴 ZHONG Yingjie;ZHANG Huimei;PANG Yunlu;XU Xiaoqin(Qingdao Vland Biotech co. Ltd.,Qingdao 266111,China;Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China)
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第23期165-168,共4页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划专项(2016YFD0501308) 青岛市民生科技计划项目(17-3-3-43-nsh)
关键词 芪草乳康散 奶牛 隐性乳房炎 临床 疗效 Qicao Rukang powder dairy cow subclinical mastitis clinical clinical effect
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