With the coming of networks, mobile information has played a more and more important role in the world. Mobile fraud crime in our country criminal law does not have specific provision, it is practical departments for specific control in crime cases of fraud, and through mobile telephone and communication network of the implementation of the fraud crime means such as a kind of intellectuals. Mobile fraud cases as a kind of property related crimes spread widely and have bad social influence. In recent years, mobile fraud crime have been running high incidence. Although the public security through the project of action have been achieved, but mobile fraud crime is still present high, and crime update, changes are endless. Presently, the government has realized that accurate, reliable and all-round information is not only the prerequisite to attacking terrorism but foundation of making crime measures. It’s necessary to work out control countermeasures of network crime according to the situation of the country. Breakthroughs in control are the sections or objects crucial to crack the cases and determine criminal suspects. There are difficulties in the control of industry chain. On the basis of analyzing the diversity and complexity of the current mobile industry chain, we shall take the black-card of mobile as the foothold and adopt the strategies of control.
Gao Liqiong;Shao Wei(Shanghai Police College,Shanghai 200137,China)
"Black-card"of Mobile
Mobile Fraud
Industry Chain
Control Strategy