
舰载雷达后端系统体系架构技术 被引量:1

Technology of Ship Radar System Architecture Framework
摘要 针对未来作战平台发展需求、趋势和当前作战平台的不足,分析了未来舰载雷达系统后端采用多层次的通用架构的优势,并从系统架构、硬件基础、软件基础、总线技术、资源调度等方面,给出开放式系统架构设想和发展建议,并提出了实现此架构的技术设想和方法,以满足未来不同作战系统和作战任务场景下,达到不同作战平台系统的架构共融、资源共用、协同工作和高效处理的需求,同时满足系统信息安全性要求。 The demand and trend of the development of the future combat platform are analyzed in this paper,together with the shortage of the current one. The advantages of establishing universal system architecture for the research of the shipborne radar system are proposed. From the aspects of system architecture framework,the fundamentals of hardware and software,the bus technology and also radar resource scheduling,the imaging of open architecture and the development proposals are proposed,together with the design method to realize the universal system architecture. When facing different combat system or tasks,goals of architectural communion00ng the universal system architecture.
作者 桂佑林 马延平 李炳华 GUI Youlin;MA Yanping;LI Binghua(Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology,Nanjing 210039,China;Navy Representative Office of Electronic Equipment Resident in Nanjing Area,Nanjing 210039,China)
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期1-5,共5页 Modern Radar
关键词 雷达 作战平台 系统架构 系统集成 radar combat platform system architecture framework system integration
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