
创新国际化对出口多样化的影响 被引量:1

The Impact of Innovation Globalization on Export Diversification
摘要 选择OECD国家及印度、南非等新兴经济体作为研究对象,采用本国发明的外国所有权、外国发明的国内所有权和研究的国际合作三个指标衡量创新国际化,并就创新国际化对出口多样化的影响进行了实证分析。研究表明,创新国际化会提升出口多样化水平,其中外国发明的本国所有权形式对出口多样化促进效果最明显;在不同分位数水平下,创新国际化对出口多样化影响不尽相同。未来中国企业可通过设立海外研发中心、国际创新合作平台建设等方式提升企业创新国际化水平,实现出口产品多样化。 Based on the panel data of OECD members and new emerging economies including India and South Africa,this paper tests the effect of innovation globalization on export diversification by foreign ownership of domestic inventions,domestic ownership of foreign inventions and international cooperation in research.Results show that innovation globalization can enhance level of export diversification;the domestic ownership of foreign invention as the index of innovation globalization exerts the most significant effect on export diversification;and different levels of innovation globalization take divergent effects on export diversifications.Chinese companies could increase innovation globalization through establishment of research center abroad,building of innovation cooperation platform to diversify the export in the future.
作者 杨修 朱晓暄 YANG Xiu;ZHU Xiao-xuan(China Science and Technology E-xhcange Center,Ministry of Science and Technology of China,Beijing 100045)
出处 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期6-9,共4页 Soft Science
基金 北京市科技计划课题(Z171100003017041) 科技部国际合作司委托调研任务课题
关键词 创新国际化 出口多样化 创新 OECD innovation globalization export diversification innovation OECD
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