
人类活动对深地微生物的影响 被引量:3

The impacts of human activity on the microorganisms in deep subsurface
摘要 在深地环境中生活着数量庞大且种类众多的微生物,主要是细菌和古菌,并包括真菌和病毒.水-岩相互作用产生的氢气和甲烷是这些微生物主要的能量来源.人类活动改变了深地环境及其微生物群落组成和功能.页岩气是存在于深地页岩中的天然气,开采页岩气所使用的水力压裂技术会对深地微生物产生显著影响,在水力压裂开发的不同阶段,微生物群落结构存在显著差异,产甲烷菌能够提高页岩气产量,而产酸细菌则会造成储层酸化和设备锈蚀,降低页岩气的采收率.核废料是指含有高于安全剂量放射性同位素或被其污染的物质,核废料的安全处置是决定核工业能否持续发展的关键因素.地质处置是目前公认的、唯一可行的长期安全处置半衰期长、高放射性核废料的方式,但是,硫酸盐还原菌的活性会导致储存室的锈蚀,微生物产生的气体也会影响地下空间的气压,这些微生物作用都可能对处置安全产生负面影响.CO_2深地封存可以控制其向大气排放,缓解全球暖化,但深地封存的超临界态CO_2能够引起地下水酸化,加速岩石和矿物的溶解,从而改变深地的化学环境和微生物群落,并对CO_2的长期有效封存产生影响.目前有关人类活动对深地微生物的科学研究均侧重于其短期影响,今后的研究应重点关注其长期影响. In the deep biosphere,there are a large number of microorganisms that are mainly bacteria and archaea.Fungi and viruses are also found in deep subsurface.These microorganisms found in the deep biosphere are functionally and phylogenetically diverse.Different from the microorganisms on the Earth surface where they use sunlight as their primary energy source,the microorganisms in deep subsurface employ the hydrogen gas and methane,which are produced mainly from geochemical interactions between water and rock,as their primary energy and/or electron sources.Human activities impact substantially on the deep subsurface environment as well as the microorganisms living there.This review focuses on the impacts of recovery of shale gas by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (or fracking),geological storage of nuclear wastes and CO2 capture and geological storage on the microorganisms in the deep biosphere. Shale gas is the natural gas locked within the black shale in deep subsurface.Horizontal drilling and fracking are widely used to recover the shale gas.Research results demonstrate that the structures and functions of microbial community differ greatly at different stages of recovery of shale gas by fracking.Results also find that viruses play crucial roles in influencing the structures and functions of microbial community during different stages of recovery of shale gas by fracking.Among the microorganisms identified,the methanogens in the black shale impact positively on the'natural gas recovery by producing methane.In contrast to the methanogens,the acid-producing microorganisms impact negatively on the natural gas recovery by causing reservoir souring and corrosion of metal structures.Thus,the microorganisms in the deep subsurface play dual roles in impacting the natural gas recovery. Nuclear wastes are the materials containing or contaminated with radionuclide.Safe storage of nuclear wastes is the most important factor that determines whether nuclear industry and peaceful use of nuclear energy can be continuously developed.Currently,geological storage in deep subsurface is the only acceptable way for long-term and safe storage of the nuclear wastes whose half-life is long and radioactivity is high.For this reason,underground research laboratories (URL)are constructed to assess potential impacts of the microorganisms in the deep subsurface on the safe storage of nuclear wastes in the geological formation.The results demonstrate that complex of microbial communities reside in the geological formations planned for storage of nuclear wastes.Although structures and functions of these microbial com- munities vary,the sulfate-reducing bacteria found in these communities may corrode the metal structures,while gas-producing microorganisms may increase the chamber pressure of the storage structure.All of these microbial activities may damage the structure and function of the nuclear waste geological repository.In contrast,the Fe(Ⅲ)-reducing microorganisms may stabilize nuclear wastes in the repository. CO2 capture and storage could slow down the global warming by reducing CO2 emissions.Research results show that certain group of bacteria live under supercritical CO2 condition in the deep subsurface.Moreover,geological storage of supercritical CO2 acidify the water in deep subsurface,which increases dissolution of rocks and minerals.Consequently, it changes the chemical environment and the structures and functions of microbial community in the deep subsurface.In turn,the responses of microbial communities to the addition of supercritical CO2 may affect the stability of CO2 storage in the geological settings. Over the past decades,our understanding of the impacts of human activity on the microorganisms in deep subsurface has been advanced significantly.A common theme emerging from the results of these studies is that the microorganisms influenced by human activity may have either positive or negative effects in recovery of shale gas and geological storage of nuclear waste and CO2.
作者 蒋永光 石良 Yongguang Jiang;Liang Shi(Department of Biological Sciences and Technology,School of Environmental Studies and State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China)
出处 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第36期3920-3931,共12页 Chinese Science Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金(41630318 41772363) 湖北省"百人计划"资助
关键词 人类活动 深地微生物 地下环境 页岩气开采 核废料地质处置 二氧化碳深地封存 human activity microorganisms in deep subsurface deep subsurface environment shale gas recovery geological storage of nuclear wastes CO2 capture and geological storage
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