
快速城市化背景下不同建设用地扩张的驱动差异探讨:以浙江省义乌市为例 被引量:26

Discussion on Different Driving Factors of Diversified Construction Land Expansion in Rapid Urbanization Area:A Case Study of Yiwu City
摘要 已有城市扩张文献多将建设用地视为单一对象,而较少考虑不同类型的建设用地可能受差别化的驱动因素的影响。针对此,论文以浙江义乌为例,采用无序多分类Logistic回归模型,分析了2006—2014年间义乌商住用地与工业用地扩张所受驱动力的差异。结果表明:商住用地与工业用地扩张均受到自然环境、社会经济区位、邻域状态及空间政策等多重因素的综合影响,但也存在明显的内部差异:一是驱动商住用地扩张的因素并不必然作用于工业用地,反之亦然;二是作用于两类用地扩张的同一驱动因素,其作用方向也可能截然相反;三是对两类用地扩张具有相同作用方向的驱动因素,其作用强度也往往不同,并形成了义乌"产城分离"的城市发展格局。论文揭示了城市化背景下不同建设用地扩张的驱动差异特征,对现有驱动力研究进行了一定拓展,能够为城市规划和城市用地分类管理提供科学依据和直接参考。 Revealing the distribution pattern of urban expansion and detecting the determinants of urban expansion can help to understand the mechanism of urban development and forecast the urban change, which will be meaningful for decision-making on city management. Many outstanding researches have focused on this topic and made massive contribution to the knowledge system of it. However, a research gap is still left behind for deeper understanding. Most of previous literatures regarded the urban expansion as the sprawl of all construction lands and ignored the diversity of construction lands, such as residential land and industrial land, therefore, the researches exploring the determinants of urban expansion might neglect the fact that different types of construction lands could be driven by different determinants, e.g., commercial lands prefer to locate at the surrounding of CBD while industrial lands are more likely to locate far away from CBD. Hence, to fill in this gap, this paper aims to figure out the different determinants of diversified construction lands under the background of urban expansion. In detail, the multinomial Logistic regression model was applied in Yiwu, a city in Zhejiang Province, to detect the difference between determinants of commercial-residential land and industrial land expansion during 2006-2014. These two types of construction lands accounted for a big proportion of urban expansion during this period in Yiwu. The result illustrated that the urban expansion in Yiwu is the result of interaction of multiple factors, including natural environment, human activities and policies. A significant difference existed between the determinants of commercial-residential lands and industrial land expansion, which is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: 1) they are driven by different determinants, e.g., land price has positive effect on the expansion of commercial-residential lands while has no significant relationship with industrial land expansion;2) they are driven by opposite effect of the same determinants, e.g., distance to the CBD and distance to industrial parks both have opposite influences on these two types of land expansion;3) they are driven by different degree of effect of the same determinants, e.g., the commercial-residential land expansion is more sensitive to the amount of neighboring urban built-up area, while the industrial land expansion is more likely to change with the amount of available neighboring developing area. Furthermore, due to the different determinants, the development of Yiwu city exhibited a characteristic of the separation of production and residence. Given this situation, it's necessary to enhance the road network construction so as to improve the connection between industrial production and residential living in Yiwu. This study revealed the difference between the determinants of commercial-residential land expansion and industrial land expansion under the background of urban sprawl, which give a further understanding of the mechanism of urban expansion and can help to provide scientific basis and direct reference for urban planning and urban management in the future.
作者 熊昌盛 谭荣 岳文泽 XIONG Chang-sheng;TAN Rong;YUE Wen-ze(School of Politics and Public Administration,Hainan University,Haikou 570100,China;School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期2124-2135,共12页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71573231) 国家社会科学基金资助项目(1425-03 16ZDA020)~~
关键词 城市扩张 驱动力分析 商住用地 工业用地 无序多分类Logistic回归 urban expansion determinant commercial-residential land industrial land multinomial Logistic regression
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