

Evaluation on the Intergenerational Difference of Family Development Ability and Vocational Skills Training for Urban Migrants in New Period
摘要 伴随着人口结构的变化,企业需求与农民工技能水平之间的矛盾日益突出,文化水平低、技能提升缓慢、缺乏系统职业培训成为农民工职业发展面临的突出问题。本文使用全国流动人口动态监测调查的数据,分析了外出农民工人力资本与培训需求的主要特征和代际差异。研究发现,外出农民工接受政府免费职业技能培训比例较低,老一代与新生代农民工对培训"成本-收益"的认识存在差异。新生代农民工具有女性多、年龄低、未婚比例高、文化程度高、流动范围广、正规就业水平高、经济压力大、长期居留意愿低等特点,女性参与培训的积极性更高,流出地家庭禀赋和未成年子女随迁对提高培训需求具有正向影响,非正规就业和劳动时间过长等问题降低了培训参与度,职业技能培训的政策宣传不足则导致多数新生代农民工只能依赖个人社会网络获取培训信息。因此,在新时期新形势下,减少性别行业歧视、提高正规就业水平、完善家庭发展政策体系和扩大职业培训的政策宣传将是提高农民工参与职业技能培训积极性的重要推动力。 With the change of population structure, the contradiction between enterprise’s demand and migrant workers’ skill is becoming more and more prominent. Lower level of education, slower development of skills and lack of systematic vocational training become the prominent problems in migrant workers’ career development. Using the data of Dynamic Monitoring Survey of Floating Population in China, this paper analyzes the main characteristics of human capital and vocational training needs among migrant workers. The study finds that the proportion of migrant workers receiving free vocational skills training from government is relatively small, and it is very different between the older generation and the new generation understands on vocational training. It’s the new generation’s characteristics that higher proportion of women and unmarried, younger, higher education attainment, wider flowing range, more regular employment and economic pressure, lower dwelling willing for a long time. Meanwhile, the female prefer to participate in public training;family endowment and taking little children together have positive effects on motivating their training needs. The problem such as informal employment and working too long time will reduce their training participation. Lacks of policy propaganda about public training leads to most of migrant workers collecting training information rely on personal social networks. Therefore, in the new era, reducing gender discrimination in different industry, expanding the propaganda on public training, improving the level of formal employment and family development policy system play an important role to improve migrant workers’ human capital.
作者 史毅 张丽 尹德挺 Shi Yi;Zhang Li;Yin De-ting
出处 《社会建设》 2018年第6期85-96,共12页 Social Construction
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"中国人口数据综合集成应用平台建设"(项目编号:16ZDA089) 国家社科基金青年项目"经济发展方式转变背景下新生代农民工人力资本提升路径研究"(项目编号:3CRK029)
关键词 新生代农民工 人力资本 技能培训 公共服务 The new generation migrant workers Human capitals Skill training Public service
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