

A thermally robust cobalt complex bearing quinoline-oxazoline ligand for synthesis of cis-l,4-and 1,2-polybutadienes
摘要 合成了离子对形式的羟基喹啉噁唑啉钴配合物,并以其为催化剂前体,在甲基铝氧烷活化下进行丁二烯聚合。该催化剂体系具有高活性和高顺式-1,4-结构选择性,所得聚合物的顺式-1,4-结构摩尔分数可达97.3%。该配合物的离子型结构和大位阻配体可有效稳定生成的活性中心,在80℃下聚合物收率可达83.6%。通过在催化体系中原位加入给电子体PPh,将选择性由顺式-1,4-结构转变为1,2-结构的方式制得了高乙烯基聚丁二烯,其1,2-结构摩尔分数为82.4%。 Since the seminal discovery of highly active bis(imino)pyridine ligated cobalt and iron catalysts for ethylene polymerization,a variety of single-site late transition metal complexes have been developed and employed in olefin and diene polymerizations.However,such kind of catalysts generally suffered from the fast deactivation at temperatures above ca.50℃ due to the low thermal stability,limiting their practical application[1].
作者 高跃强 张志强 郭峻 刘恒 胡雁鸣 张学全 GAO Yue-qiang;ZHANG Zhi-qiang;GUO Jun;LIU Heng;HU Yan-ming;ZHANG Xue-quan(Jinzhou Petrochemical Company,PetroChina,Jinzhou 121000,China;Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130022,China)
出处 《合成橡胶工业》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第1期67-67,共1页 China Synthetic Rubber Industry
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