
患者自主决定权实现中的情感预测——基于行为经济学的分析 被引量:1

Affective forecasting in patient self-determination analysis of behavioral economics
摘要 患者在医疗决策中自主决定权的实现面临现实的困难,原因在于患者对自身未来状况的预测并非总是准确。行为经济学上的情感预测及相关理论提供了优化患者医疗决策的新思路。患者在情感预测中出现的影响偏差,导致其很难作出理性选择。医生基于医患之间的信赖关系、专业知识背景的优势、第三者的观察视角以及丰富的医疗资源,对患者的情感预测应有干预义务。参与患者最终医疗决策的医生,在出现高风险因素或者患者对治疗存在理解困难时应当主动进行干预。在医疗干预中,医疗行业需要为医生提供充足的数据资源,医生亦应尽可能地以减少主观偏见的方式为患者的情感预测、自主决定权的实现提供帮助。 There are some problems in the patient self-determination of medical decision because the patient's prediction of his or her future medical condition might be not accurate.Affective forecasting and related theories in behavioral economics provide us with new ideas for optimizing medical decisions.The impact biases of patient's affective forecasting make it difficult to make a rational choice.Based on the patient-physician relationship,the advantages of professional knowledge,the third-person perspective,and the accessible medical resources,physicians have an obligation to help patient to make more accurate affective forecasts.The physicians involved in the final medical decision of patients should actively participate in the affective forecasting intervention.The best time to intervene in is when the medical stakes are high and when patients have a poor understanding of the treatment.It's important that adequate data resources need to be provided to physicians.During medical intervention,physician intervention should also reduce their own subjective prejudice to help patients with affective forecasting to make better medical decisions.
作者 熊静文 Xiong Jingwen(Fudan University Law School,Shanghai 200438,China)
机构地区 复旦大学法学院
出处 《中国卫生法制》 2019年第1期30-34,共5页 China Health Law
基金 上海市教育委员会科研创新计划人文社科重大项目<中国特色民法典理论研究>(2017-01-07-00-07-E00003) 国家留学基金委"国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目"(留金发[2017]3109)
关键词 患者自主决定 医疗决策 情感预测 影响偏差 医疗干预 Patient self-determination Medical decision Affective forecasting Impact bias Medical intervention
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