
傅萍治疗子宫切口瘢痕憩室致异常子宫出血经验浅析 被引量:8

Professor FU Ping's Experience in Treating AUB Caused by Cesarean Scar Diverticulu
摘要 [目的]总结傅萍教授治疗子宫切口瘢痕憩室(Cesarean Scar Diverticulu,CSD)致异常子宫出血的临床经验。[方法]分析傅萍教授对CSD的病因病机认识,阐述在临床实践中CSD所致异常子宫出血的治疗依据,分析临床遣方用药特色,并附临床案例加以验证。[结果]傅师认为子宫切口瘢痕憩室致异常子宫出血的主要病因病机为金刃损伤胞宫胞脉,气血虚弱,瘀热互结所致。针对其病因病机提出,经期宜温经活血,祛瘀生新,重在祛瘀,推动阴阳运动的发展,促进阴阳转化,达到祛瘀生新之效;经后期益气滋阴,收敛固涩,以达标本共治之效;经前期理气行滞,温通宣散,旨在推动气机运行,使月经顺利排泄。所举案例一则,经分期治疗,CSD所致异常子宫出血得到明显改善。[结论]傅萍教授依据月经周期阴阳变化治疗子宫切口瘢痕憩室所致的异常子宫出血的临床经验,值得临床实践中应用推广。 [Objective]To summarize the Professor FU Ping’s clinical experience in treating AUB caused by CSD.[Method]The paper analyzes the etiology and pathogenesis of CSD in clinical application.It analyzes the Professor FU Ping’s unique feature of CSD,then give clinical cases to verify.[Results]In her view,the disease is induced by the blades,which leads to blood stagnation-heat and insufficiency of both Qi and blood.According to its etiology and pathogenesis,Professor FU adopts that menstrual period should be warm blood circulation and eliminate blood satis and promote tissue regenerationg,which the point is eliminating blood stsis to promte the development of Yin-Yang and achieve the effect of removing blood stasis to prouce new state.Late menstruationg is good for invigorating Qi and nourishing Yin and converging to achieve the effect of simultaneous treatment of principal and subordinate symptoms.The early stage of menstruation should prove the state of Qi and travel sluggish in order to drive the the state of Qi and make menstruation excrete smoothly.Under this approach, the results have satisfied in treating AUB caused by CSD.[Conclusion] Professor FU Ping’s clinical experience in treating AUB caused by CSD obtains the good curative effect,having enlightenment meaning to clinical practice,with promotion value.
作者 李芳 傅萍 LI Fang;FU Ping(Changxing County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changxing,Zhejiang 313100,China;Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2019年第1期46-48,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
关键词 子宫切口瘢痕憩室 异常子宫出血 傅萍 医案 名医经验 cesarean scar dverticulu AUB FU Ping case famous doctor's experience
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