
凹唇壁蜂为油菜授粉的行为特征及经济价值评估 被引量:5

Economic value of the pollination services provided by Osmia excavata Alfken to rape seed crops
摘要 【目的】凹唇壁蜂Osmia excavata Alfken是近年来被迅速应用的一种传粉昆虫。明确凹唇壁蜂对油菜的授粉行为、授粉效果,评估凹唇壁蜂对油菜的授粉功能量及经济服务价值,有利于加深社会对凹唇壁蜂的认知并促进其在油菜上的推广应用。【方法】在油菜田内,于油菜开花前,把油菜区域划定为凹唇壁蜂授粉区、隔离授粉区两个区域,实验过程中用摄像机记录凹唇壁蜂授粉行为和效果。采用蜜蜂依存度市场估价法,结合我国国情,评估2015年间油菜凹唇壁蜂授粉的经济价值,并探索凹唇壁蜂对油菜生产的重要性。【结果】60%以上的凹唇壁蜂在上午7:00到8:00出巢,下午4:30到5:30归巢,日出巢活动时间约9.58 h。凹唇壁蜂在每朵花上平均停留时间达10.89 s。凹唇壁蜂授粉区在单角果鲜重、结角果率、单角果籽粒数上比隔离授粉区分别提高2.74%、4.81%、11.48%。结合2015年数据,计算得出凹唇壁蜂对我国各省份油菜的授粉功能量超过373.3万吨,授粉服务总价值超过194.102亿元,从凹唇壁蜂授粉功能量和服务价值来看,凹唇壁蜂具有极大的生态价值、经济价值。【结论】凹唇壁蜂具有传粉优势,组织凹唇壁蜂在油菜花期进行辅助授粉,是提高油菜产量的一条重要途径,对提高油菜产生的经济效益具有积极的作用。凹唇壁蜂授粉是应该得到重视的生产投入,应当提高民众对凹唇壁蜂授粉价值的认知度。 [Objectives] To improve understanding of the economic benefit of the pollination of rape crops by the Mason bee Osmia excavata Alfken, an important pollinating insect. [Methods] Rape fields were divided into two areas, an O. excavata pollination treatment area and an O. excavata exclusion area, before flowering. Cameras were used to record the process and effect of O. excavata pollination on rape plants. Based on the honey bee dependent market valuation method and China’s national conditions, we evaluated the economic value of O. excavata pollination of rape in 2015, and explored its importance for rape production. [Results] More than 60% of bees left their nests from 7 to 8 a.m. and returned between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m;an active period of about 9.58 h.The average duration of visits to each flower was 10.89 s.The pollination area had 2.74%, 4.81% and 11.48% higher seed weight,silique ratio and grain number, respectively, than the exclusion area. Based on the 2015 data, the amount of rape seed attributed to pollination by O. excavata in China is estimated to exceed 3.733 million tons with a total pollination service value of more than 194.102×108 yuan. [Conclusion] Pollination of rape by O. excavata has important economic benefits and it is therefore important to find ways to protect O. excavata populations and enhance the pollination activity of this species during the rape flowering period. Public awareness of the economic benefit provided by O. excavata should be improved.
作者 刘丽 欧阳芳 李丽莉 曲诚怀 李超 于毅 郑礼 叶保华 门兴元 LIU Li;OUYANG Fang;LI Li-Li;QU Cheng-Huai;LI Chao;YU Yi;ZHENG Li;YE Bao-Hua;MEN Xing-Yuan(Institute of Plant Protection,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Virology,Jinan 250100,China;College of Plant Protection,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian 271018,China;Institute of Zoology,Chineses Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Plant protection station of Muping Agricultural Bureau,Yantai 264100,China)
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1016-1022,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 山东省现代农业产业技术体系蜂产业创新团队.
关键词 油菜 凹唇壁蜂 授粉行为 增产 经济价值 rape Osmia excavata Alfken pollinating behavior increase yield economic value
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