

PEER-REVIEWED PAPER:Microbial Gluten Reduction in Beer Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Standard Process Methods
摘要 由于使用无麸质蛋白原料酿造通常无法满足特定目标,因此本研究的目的是考察不同处理方法和技术参数对麸质蛋白浓度的影响。考察的参数包括糖化温度、糖化pH、料水比、煮沸时间、澄清剂和通过不同乳酸菌对麸质蛋白降低的影响。麸质蛋白浓度的检测采用竞争ELISA法。研究中使用训练有素的感官评估小组来评估样本,使用不同的检测和描述分析方法对酵母和细茵组合生产的产品进行评估。结果表明,某些乳酸菌可以降低麸质蛋白到ELISA的检测限以下。其他处理方式例如煮沸时间、糖化pH、料水比可以显著的降低麸质蛋白的水平但无法降低到所需水平。另一方面,感官品评揭示出使用乳酸菌生产的啤酒无法满足消费者对于啤酒的预期,例如一些不正常的感官描述,包括汗味、泥土味和鱼腥味。然而,如果使用可控条件,乳酸菌仍然是降解啤酒中麸质蛋白的一种很有前景的处理方式。 Because brewing with gluten-free raw material does not always meet stylistic goals,the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different treatments and technological parameters on gluten concentration.The attributes investigated were mash temperature,mash pH,liquor-to-grist ratios,boiling times,kettle fining additions,and microbial gluten reduction by different lactic acid bacteria.Gluten concentrations were analyzed using a competitive ELISA assay.A trained sensory panel evaluated samples that were produced with a combination of yeast and bacteria using difference testing and descriptive analysis.The results indicate that some lactic acid bacteria can reduce gluten belowthe detection limit of the ELISA assay.Other treatments such as boiling time,mash pH,or the liquor-to-grist ratio can reduce gluten significantly but do not come close to that reduction level.On the other hand,sensory testing revealed that beers produced with lactic acid bacteria might not meet consumer expectations owing to unusual descriptors such as sweaty,earthy,and fishy.However,if used under controlled conditions,lactic acid bacteria are a promising treatment option to degrade gluten protein in beer.
出处 《中外酒业》 2019年第1期45-60,共16页 Global Alcinfo
基金 Ivory Tower,Inc.提供资金支持
关键词 麸质蛋白 细菌 酸啤酒 Gluten Bacteria Sour beer
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