
锁骨上动脉岛状皮瓣的制备与应用 被引量:3

Anatomy and application of the supraclavicular artery island flap
摘要 锁骨上动脉岛状皮瓣是一种取自锁骨上和三角肌区的筋膜皮瓣,是术后软组织缺损修复的一项新技术。该皮瓣因与头颈部皮肤颜色、纹理、质地高度相似,以及厚度适中、无毛发覆盖、获取简单、供区并发症少等优点,成为头颈部缺损重建的理想选择。近年来对该皮瓣的解剖研究和应用日益增多,特别是其在头颈部重建中的优势逐渐被认可。为进一步推进该皮瓣在头颈外科的应用,现对锁骨上动脉皮瓣的历史、解剖、制备及应用做一综述。 The supraclavicular artery island flap is a fasciocutaneous flap harvested from the supraclavicular and deltoid regions,it is a new technology for postoperative defect repair.This flap is considered to be an ideal choice for the reconstruction of head and neck defects because it is easily and rapidly harvested and provides hairless,thin-textured,good-color-match skin,with relatively low donor-site morbidity.In recent years,the anatomical research and clinical application of the supraclavicular island flap has been increasing.This paper reviewed the history,anatomy,harvest and application of supraclavicular artery flap in order to promote the application of the flap in the head and neck surgery.
作者 王士琪 程瑞 孙传政 Wang Shiqi;Cheng Rui;Sun Chuanzheng(Department of Head and Neck Surgery Ⅱ,the Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming 650118,China)
出处 《国际耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志》 2019年第1期32-36,共5页 International Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金(81260402、81560470、81773127) 云南省中青年学术技术带头人培养专项经费(2015HB086) 云南省医学领军人才培养专项经费(2017)联合资助.
关键词 外科皮瓣 修复外科手术 头颈部肿瘤 Surgical Flaps Reconstructive Surgical Procedures Head and Neck Neoplasms
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