
“和合”体生——“和合学”的中国哲学创新实践 被引量:5

Understanding Being through Integral Harmony: the Theory of Integral Harmony and Its Practice for the Innovation of Chinese Philosophy
摘要 哲学问题追根究底是人的问题,这既指向哲学问题的对象,也指向对于问题进行追问的主体。每一个人既有能力也都在以某种方式思考着人自身的问题,也就是哲学的问题。但是,惟有哲学才能对人的问题进行形上的反思,惟有哲学史才能呈现人对于人本身反思的思想历程并提供古今对话的可能,惟有哲学家才能真正地将这种哲学思考以言说体系的形式一般地表达出来。当哲学思考的对象——"人"发生了变化,哲学史的叙说视"域"发生了变化,哲学的言"说"方式发生了变化,哲学这一人对于人的形上反思就必然有了创新。就其实质而言,"人""域""说"只能是哲学、哲学家眼中之"人""域""说",也就是说一切哲学只不过是人对于人自己生存状态这一存在的一种思考、对话与言说。张立文先生的"和合学"正是基于自己独特的生命体悟,在与前哲不断对话的视域融合中,以自己的"和合"言说方式来表述的人类生命之道的哲学体系,是中国哲学创新的理论新体系、方法新视野与思想新成果。 Philosophical problems are after all problems of human beings, for humans are not only the object of philosophical questioning, but also the subject. Every one of us has the ability to think reflectively about ourselves and we are actually always thinking about our problems in certain ways. The problems involved here can be called philosophical problems. Yet, only philosophy can enhance our thinking to the metaphysical level, only the history of philosophy can represent us the long process of human beings’ reflective thinking about their beings and provide us with an arena for synchronic dialogues between now and the past, and only philosophers can truly deliver philosophical thinking in both general language and their systematic discourses. When the object of philosophical thinking, "the human being" has changed, "the narrative horizon" of the history of philosophy as a discipline has to be changed too, and so has the forms of philosophy’s utterance. Following these changes, innovations will definitely emerge in philosophy, as it is a field where metaphysical thinking about the human being takes place. In essence, "the human being", "the narrative vision" and "the philosophical utterance" referred to by a particular philosopher are in fact only"the human being","the narrative vision" and "the philosophical utterance" in his own views. That is to say,any kind of philosophy is nothing more than a particular human being’s thinking, dialogue-making and speaking out of his own particular human condition. Professor Zhang Liwen’s Theory of Integral Harmony, as a systematical construction of philosophy, is also based on his own particular understanding to life, his own dialogue and "fusion of horizon" with philosophers before him, and his own theoretical utterance about how human beings should take their ways of living. His theory is an innovation in Chinese philosophy, bringing about new system, new vision and new fruits.
作者 陈海红 Chen Haihong(Philosophy Department ,the Party School of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of C.P.C,Hangzhou 311121)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期108-117,158,共11页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"从二程到朱熹的解释学研究"(13BZX053)前期成果
关键词 张立文 “和合学” 中国哲学 哲学创新 生命体悟 和合体道 和合体生 Zhang Liwen the Theory of Integral Harmony Chinese philosophy philosophical innovation the understanding of life "He He Ti Dao" (understanding the ways of living) "He Ti Sheng"(understanding Being)
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