

Study on the Countermeasures against the Problem of involving Hemp and producing Drug --Taking Yong'an City of Fujian Province as an example
摘要 当前,受国际毒潮持续泛滥和国内多种因素影响,我国涉毒违法犯罪高发、多发,禁毒斗争形势严峻复杂。永安市位于闽西北山区,因涉麻制毒问题较突出被国家禁毒委列为重点关注地区,涉麻制毒呈现制毒手法不断翻新、反侦查手段日趋“高明”、制毒活动内外勾结更加隐蔽等特点,高额利润驱使、市场需求量大、犯罪成本低下等方面原因造成涉麻制毒滋生漫延。永安市坚持问题导向,不断总结经验做法,以涉麻制毒人员组成、场地环境、生产工艺、遗留物特征为识别切入点,树立“政府搭台、部门唱戏、群众参与”的全社会参与理念,坚持“控原料、捣窝点、断销路”的全链条治理方法,落实重点“人、物、地”的全覆盖管控措施,研究“法律适用、追缴毒资、提升能力”的全方位惩治举措,有效遏制和控制涉麻制毒犯罪的发展和蔓延,2017年4月顺利摘掉国家重点关注地区帽子。 At present,due to the continued spread of international drug tides and various domestic factors, China's drug-related crimes are high-risk and frequent,and the anti-drug struggle situation is severe and complicated.Yong'an City is located in the mountainous area of northwestern Yunnan.It is listed as a key area of concern by the National Narcotics Control Committee because of the prominent problem of hemptoxin production.The anti-drug treatment of the drug-making system has been continuously refurbished,the anti-reconnaissance means has become more and more sophisticated,and the anti-drug activities have colluded inside and outside.The characteristics of concealment,such as high profit driving,large market demand,and low crime costs,have caused the spread of malaria.Yong'anCity adheres to the problemoriented,constantly sums up the experience and practices,and uses the composition of the drug-related drug-making personnel,the site environment,the production process,and the characteristics of the remnants to identify the entry points,and establish the concept of "social participation,department singing,and mass participation".Adhere to the whole chain management method of "controlling raw materials,armpits,and sales breaks",implement the full coverage control measures of "people,things and land",and study the allround punishment measures of "legal application,recovery of drug capital,and improvement of capabilities". Effectively curb and control the development and spread of the crimes related to hemp,and in April 2017, the national key areas of concern were successfully removed.
作者 郑李成 卓明兴 Zheng Li-cheng;Zhuo Ming-xing(Public Security Bureau in Sanming City,Yongan Fujian 366000 China)
机构地区 三明市公安局
出处 《西部公安论坛》 2018年第4期53-58,共6页 Journal of Western Public Security
关键词 涉麻制毒 治理对策 实践研究 involving hemp and producing drug governance countermeasures practical research
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