
马明龙与马家庄关系的民族学考察 被引量:1

An Ethnological Investigation on the Relationship Between Ma Minglong and Majiazhuang Village
摘要 马家庄是武汉市一个回族聚居村,是明末清初著名经师马明龙的故园,至今有300多年的历史。马明龙开创的马家庄跟其他社区形成一样,人群、地域与文化是三个最重要的要素。怀远堂马氏家族最早进入马家庄,与其他回族姓氏群体和汉族共同构成马家庄的人群基础。因马明龙的名望,由委守武昌副将马蛟麟捐赠学田,并在四川(川)北等处总兵官左都督马子云相助下形成马家庄的地域范围。马明龙"馆于家"、"秉铎传经"与"以儒诠经"是马家庄地域文化特色。因此,马明龙影响下的马家庄不同于西北回族聚居区的回族村落,也区别于早期回族在广州、泉州等东南沿海的回族社区,而是以回汉民族共享共生自然形成的集民族文化、宗教文化与区域文化于一体的自然传统村落,是明末清初散杂居地区伊斯兰教中国化、本土化鲜明特征的典型聚落。 Majiazhuang Village is a Hui village with a history of more than 300 years in Wuhan,the hometown of Ma Minglong,a famous Imam in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. The population,the region and the culture are the three most important elements for the formation of Majiazhuang Village created by Ma Minglong just as they are to the formation of other communities. The Ma’s family of Huaiyuantang first entered Majiazhuang Village,and along with other Hui and Han families they constituted the foundation of population of Majiazhuang Village. Ma Jiaolin,the deputy general of Wuchang,donated the halal school field due to the fame of Ma Minglong,and then the village formed its geographical scope under the help of Ma Ziyun,the general officer of the Sichuan( Chuan) North Department. Ma Minglong’s "school at home","teaching and preaching scripture"and "interpreting Islam with Confucianism"are the regional cultural characteristics of Majiazhuang Village. Therefore,different from the Hui villages in Hui inhabited areas in the northwest China and the Hui community formed by the early Hui people in Guangzhou,Quanzhou and other southeast coastal areas,Majiazhuang Village under the influence of Ma Minglong is a natural traditional village formed by the Hui and Han people sharing the symbiotic nature,which integrates national culture,religious culture and regional culture. Therefore it is a typical settlement of the sinicization and localization of Islam in the scattered areas in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.
作者 李安辉 LI An-hui(School of Ethnology and Sociology,South-Central University for Nationalities,Wuhan,Hubei 430074)
出处 《回族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期88-94,共7页
基金 中南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CST18012) 湖北省社会科学基金项目(2017038)
关键词 马明龙 马家庄 伊斯兰教中国化 Ma Minglong Majiazhuang Village Sinicization of Islam
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