
毛竹粉尘云爆炸最低着火温度的研究 被引量:5

Study on minimum ignition temperature of bamboo dust clouds explosion
摘要 以毛竹原料生产竹制品的切屑碎料为研究对象,采用Godbert-Greenwald恒温炉,系统地研究粉尘云浓度、竹粉含水率、粒径以及喷粉压力对粉尘云最低着火温度(MITC)的影响。结果表明:在粉尘云最低着火温度的试验中,同一喷粉压力条件下,随着粉尘浓度的增大,竹粉的MITC呈现先下降后平缓的趋势。喷粉压力在0.05~0.1MPa范围内,敏感浓度均为909g/m3,所对应的粉尘云最低着火温度分别为430℃、415℃、410℃、420℃,其中最适宜喷粉压力为0.09MPa。含水率在0~32%的范围内,MITC由405℃增长到450℃,呈直线上升。毛竹粉的粒径从200目筛下增大到60目筛下,MITC先上升后趋于平缓,由405升至420℃仅增长15℃,相较于含水率的上升趋势不够显著。 In this paper,the chip waste material of bamboo products was used as the research object.The Godbert- Greenwald constant temperature furnace was used to systematically study the effects of dust cloud concentration, bamboo powder moisture content,particle size and air pressure on the minimum ignition temperature of dust cloud. The results showed that in the test of the minimum ignition temperature of dust cloud,under the same air pressure condition,with the increase of dust concentration,the MITC of bamboo powder firstly decreased and then flattened.We found that the sensitive concentration was 909 g/m^3 when the diffusing pressure in the range of 0.05-0.1MPa,and the corresponding ignition temperature of the dust cloud is 430℃,415℃,410℃ and 420℃.The optimum diffusing pressure is 0.09 MPa.The moisture content was in the range of 0 to 32%,and the MITC increased from 405 ℃ to 450℃ and rose linearly.The particle size of the bamboo powder increased from less than 75μm to less than 250μm. The MITC initially rose and then tended to be gentle from 405 to 420℃,the growth rate was only 15℃,which was not significant compared to the water content.
作者 张静 周捍东 ZHANG Jing;ZHOU Han-dong(College of Material Science and Engineering,Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources,Nanjing 210037,China)
出处 《木材加工机械》 2018年第5期14-18,共5页 Wood Processing Machinery
基金 "十三五"国家重点研发计划"人造板安全生产与污染减控关键技术"(2016YFD0600703)
关键词 毛竹粉尘 粉尘云 粉尘爆炸 最低着火温度 bamboo dust dust cloud dust explosion minimum ignition temperature
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