

A Philosophical Interpretation of the Basic Text of and Commentaries on Hexagram Jie[■]
摘要 节卦的卦辞强调人有节制,可致亨通。但过分的节制、以节为苦,则会导致"凶"的结局,上六即为证验。人们应当持正、适中,做到适可而止,做人、处事、接物都要有一道不可触及的上限和底线。《彖》揭示出"君上与臣民分居其位"的爻象和卦体结构,要求找到自己的职事本分,定位清楚而"遵守节度"。九二、九五分别居内外卦之中,昭示着君王的言行皆应符合中正之道,政教施行才可通畅无阻。人类把物当物,物才会积极回报人类,而不是惩罚人类。《象》曰"泽上有水"则说明水已经溢于泽外,超过所必需的程度,已经到了不得不设法控制、进行有效约束的地步。 The hexagram statement of the Jie[■,Control,60]stresses that a certain degree of restraint can lead to prosperity,but excessive abstinence means hardship and will be destined to misfortune,which is verified by the top line statement of the hexagram.People ought to uphold justice and moderation as well as make an upper limit and baseline that cannot be touched in conducting themselves and getting along with others.What the Tuan(Commentary on the Judgments)reveals is that both the leader and his subordinates ought to be conscientious to their position and abide by moral standards.Line 2 and line 5 are in the central position of the lower and upper trigram respectively,which indicates that only if the King’s words and conducts are in alignment with the Dao of centrality and rectitude can his political ideas be carried forward smoothly.Only if human beings treat the natural world well,can the natural world reward but not punish human beings."Above that Lake,there is Water"stated in the Xiang(Commentary on the Images)means that the water has been spilled from the lake and has to be limited in a proper way.
作者 余治平 YU Zhi-ping(Department of Philosophy,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期60-67,共8页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 国家社会科学基金项目:"孔子之前儒者的身份 职事与行状研究"(17BZX007)
关键词 节卦 有限而止 节以制度 Hexagram Jie limit and stop control with limits
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