
重庆市九龙坡区禽流感高危职业人群及外环境监测结果分析 被引量:2

Analysis on Surveillance Results of High Risk Occupational Groups and External Environment of Avian Influenza in Jiulongpo District of Chongqing
摘要 目的对重庆市九龙坡区高危职业人群及外环境进行禽流感病毒监测,了解高危职业人群感染情况以及外环境污染状况,评估该地区人感染高致病性禽流感的流行风险,为该类传染病的预防控制提供决策参考依据。方法采集2011-2015年重庆市九龙坡区从事家禽养殖、屠宰、销售等人群的血清样本进行H5N1、H7N9病毒抗体检测。采集2010-2016年重庆市九龙坡区城乡活禽市场、家禽散养户、家禽屠宰加工厂、家禽规模养殖场(户)采集笼具表面擦拭、宰杀或摆放禽肉案板表面的擦拭、地面擦拭、禽类饮水、污水、粪便等标本进行Flu A及H5、H7、H9亚型检测。结果 119份高危职业暴露人群血清样本H5N1、H7N9病毒抗体检测结果均为阴性。采集外环境标本1 257份,阳性428份,阳性率为34. 05%,其中H5亚型所占比重最高(55. 37%);各地区中属于城市街道的杨家坪街道阳性率最高(42. 97%),不同地区阳性率差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=115. 386,P<0. 01);各个类型外环境标本中宰杀或摆放禽肉案板表面擦拭标本阳性率最高(52. 42%),不同类型外环境标本阳性率之间的差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=147. 103,P<0. 01);全年第一季度外环境标本阳性率最高,为45. 03%,不同季度外环境标本阳性率之间的差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=31. 999,P<0. 01)。结论重庆市九龙坡区外环境中人感染高致病性禽流感病毒普遍存在,发生人感染高致病性禽流感疫情的风险较高,其中H5亚型为主要威胁。 Objective To monitor avian influenza virus in high-risk occupational populations and the external environment in Jiulongpo district of Chongqing,understand the contamination status,evaluate the epidemic risk of highly pathogenic avian influenza( HPAI) in this region and provide a decision-making basis for the prevention and control of this infectious disease. Methods During 2011-2015,serum samples were collected from the occupational exposure populations to test antibodies specific of H5 N1 and H7 N9. During 2010-2016,external environment samples were collected to test FluA and subtype H5,H7 and H9. Results All the test results of 119 serum samples were negative. There were428 positive samples among all the 1 257 external environment samples and the positive rate was 34. 05%.H5 was the major subtype,accounting for 55. 37%. The highest positive rate( 42. 97%) was found in Yangjiaping Street. There were statistical differences in positive rate between different areas( χ^2= 115. 386,P<0. 01). The positive rate of surface wiping specimens of slaughtered or placed poultry meat was the highest( 52. 42%) in all types of external environment specimens. There were statistical differences in positive rate between different types of external samples( χ^2= 147. 103,P<0. 01). The external samples collected in the first quarter showed the highest positive rate( 45. 03%). There were statistical differences in positive rate between different seasons( χ^2= 31. 999,P<0. 01). Conclusion The avian influenza virus commonly exists in the external environment of Jiulongpo District of Chongqing. There is still a risk of human infection by avian influenza virus in the district,and subtype H5 is the major threat.
作者 龙前进 李南 姚远 邓春燕 余小凤 张鹏 解合川 张萍 丁丹奕 LONG Qianjin;LI Nan;YAO Yuan;DENG Chunyan;YU Xiaofeng;ZHANG Peng;XIE Hechuan;ZHANG Ping;DING Danyi(Jiulongpo Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chongqing 500039,China.)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2019年第3期292-296,共5页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 禽流感 职业暴露 监测 avian influenza occupational exposure surveillance
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