
维持房间正压所需最小机械新风量计算方法 被引量:2

Calculation method of minimum outdoor air rate of mechanical
摘要 建立了热压作用下的单面通风模型和风压作用下的贯流通风模型,理论推导了维持房间正压所需最小机械新风量与房间不供新风时自然渗风量的关系,得出了维持房间正压所需最小机械新风量的计算公式,并进行了实验验证。结果表明:对于热压作用下的单面通风,维持房间正压所需最小机械新风量为房间不供新风时自然渗风量的2.0~3.2倍;对于风压作用下的贯流通风,为1.2~2.5倍。 Establishes a stack pressure-driven single-sided ventilation model and a wind pressure-driven cross ventilation model. Investigates the relationship between the natural air infiltration rate and the outdoor air rate of mechanical ventilation under the two ventilation models through theoretical derivation. Concludes the calculation formula of the minimum outdoor air rate of mechanical ventilation required to maintain positive room pressure, and validates it by an experiment. The results show that the minimum outdoor air rate of mechanical ventilation required to maintain positive room pressure is 2.0 to 3.2 times of the natural air infiltration rate of a room without outdoor air supply for the stack pressure-driven single-sided ventilation, whereas the ratios are 1.2 to 2.5 times for wind pressure-driven cross ventilation.
作者 施雨晨 李晓锋 Shi Yuchen;Li Xiaofeng(Tsinghua University,Beijing,China)
机构地区 清华大学
出处 《暖通空调》 2019年第2期100-106,共7页 Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(编号:2016YFC0207103)
关键词 机械通风 新风量 正压 热压 风压 单面通风 贯流通风 自然渗风量 mechanical ventilation outdoor air rate positive pressure stack pressure wind pressure single-sided ventilation cross ventilation natural air infiltration rate
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