在长江下游江苏南部沿江宁镇低丘地区研究表明 ,杉木建筑材的主要物理力学性状与木材基本密度紧密相关。木材基本密度在种源、家系、杂交组合子代间有明显的遗传差异 ,而与生长 (材积生长 )无明显的负遗传制约关系。因此 ,可按“生长、材性两个阶段独立选择法”进行生长与材性联合改良。经试验研究 ,选出了亚林 1、亚林 2、林朵 8、林朵 7、林朵 2 5、湘 2等 6个优质高产杉木优良家系 ,它们在 8a时材积比对照 (广西融水种源 )高出 11 4 %~39 8% ,木材基本密度提高了 1 2 9%~ 8 76 % ;选出林朵 19、湘 2等两个生长与对照相近 ,但材质优良的家系 ,木材基本密度比对照高 7 33%~ 10 97%。选出的这些优质高产杉木优良家系可按短轮伐期用材林栽培模式和短轮伐期材、苗 (观赏苗木 )复合栽培模式推广应用 。
Tests in the hilly area along the lower Yangtze Valley demonstrated that the mechanical property of Chinese fir constructing timber correlated closely with wood density.There were significant differences in the wood density of provenances,families and crossing progenies.The volume of outstanding famillies,Yalin 1,Yalin 2,Linduo 8 and Linduo 7 increased by 11 4%~39 8%,and the wood density by 1 29%~8 76% over Rongshui provenance.The wood density of two families as Linduo 19 and Xiang 2 increased by 7 33%~10 97% over Rongshui provenance.It was suggested that the trees of superior families selected could be treated with the culture pattem of short rotation forest.
Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology
江苏省"九五"农业科技攻关项目课题 :"优质高产稳产杉木选育与增殖利用技术"(BE963 5 9)研究内容之一
国家计划与发展委员会科技项目 :"长江中下游低丘滩地综合治理与开发研究"(98 0 2 )江苏试点研究内容之一