目的 :提高输尿管囊肿的诊治水平。方法 :14例患者术前均由B超或IVU、膀胱镜确诊。开放性手术 10例 ,经尿道手术 4例。结果 :14例手术均一次成功 ,开放性手术平均时间 10 7min ,术后平均住院 12 .8d ,腔内手术平均 6 2 .5min ,术后平均住院 4 .0d。结论 :B超结合IVU、膀胱镜检查可以提高确诊率。开放性囊肿切开去顶术是基本治疗方法 ;当存在输尿管反流时 ,应行输尿管膀胱抗反流吻合术 ;经尿道的腔内手术可以减少手术创伤及术后并发症 ,缩短手术及住院时间。
Purpose:To review and evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of 14 cases of ureterocele in adult.Methods:All the diagnosis were made by ultrasonography,IVP and cystoscopy before operation. 10 received transvesical ureteroceles excisions,transurethral incisions of ureteroceles (TUIU) were carried out for other 4 patients.Result:All 14 cases succeeded in surgerys.Average surgical time and average hospitalization stay of open surgery and endourologic surgery are 107 min,128 d and 62.5 min 4.0 d respectivdy.Conclusions:Ultrasonography in combination with IVP and cystoscopy may improve the accurate diagnosis rate.The open operation is the major methods for treatment,at the same time,the reimplantation of the ureter could be performed to decrease the vesicoureteral reflux(VUR). Otherwise,the TUIU may avoid the operative trauma and shorten the operation.
Journal of Clinical Urology