目的 探讨双侧唇裂继发畸形的解剖学修复。方法 采用埋没导引缝合针缝合法 ,对于引起畸形的主要因素 :鼻翼软骨向两侧移位 ,鼻降肌挛缩 ,口轮匝肌移位 ,鼻孔底瘢痕挛缩等进行彻底松解后 ,牢固准确地复位、固定 ,以恢复其正常的解剖关系。结果 自 1998年以来 ,共收治 2 6例双侧唇裂继发畸形患者 ,除 1例叉状皮瓣远端坏死外 ,余均顺利成功。随访 1~ 2年效果满意。结论 本手术不仅简单省时 。
Objective?The clinical study is to correct the secondary deformities of bilateral cleft lip anatomically.Methods? Having studied the cause of the secondary deformities of bilateral cleft lip,the author applies buried lead needle and buried lead method to the main causes that the alar cartilages are displaced bilaterally,the nasal lowering muscle constricts,the orbicularis oris muscle displaces and the scars in nostril bases constrict,doing thorough relaxation.Then we restore and fix them firmly and accurately to resume normal anatomic relations.Results? Since 1998 we have treated 46 cases of secondary deformities of bilateral cleft lip.All the patients have good results except one whose fork flaps necroses.Conclusion? The secondary deformities of bilateral cleft lip may be treated anatomically by fork flaps and buried lead method.
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