《材料加工设备》作为无机非金属材料专业本科生必修课程 ,涉及内容繁多 ,基础知识面宽 ,应用知识更新较快 ,学时数相对较少。根据这些特点 ,选择具有很强交互能力和后期开发能力的软件Authorware作为开发平台 ,根据教学大纲的内容要求 ,以人为本 ,设计课件的系统结构与性能 ,发挥多媒体丰富的形象、生动、直观的表达方式以及动画功能 ,设计出完善的、灵活方便易于理解和操作的结构 ,为教师和学生提供有可供高效率教与学的、先进实用的辅助工具。本文通过研究和比较 ,详细讨论了课件的设计定位、制作平台的选择、各部分组成以及后期开发设想 ,较详细的论述了本课件的设计。
The designing is about a development of the multimedia courseware system for the course of 'Equipment for Machining Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials'.There are very little hours for this course.But it's large quantity of contend,nonobjective theories and idiographic constructions of machines make it very difficult to make it easily understood.This courseware makes use of the advantages of multimedia products such as visual expressing way,perfect functions and good operating ways.It provides a useful assistant tool in teaching.After carefully studying of some flats for courseware making,we finally chose Authorware.It has good capability of interaction and reinforcement.This article components the course of the designing and making of this courseware and makes detailed introduction to it.
Journal of Ceramics