目的 探讨结直肠损伤和梗阻一期手术治疗的效果。方法 结、直肠损伤和梗阻行急诊手术 2 4例。术前静脉滴注广谱抗生素 ,术中结肠灌洗清洁后一期肠修补或肠切除吻合术。结果 切口感染 11例 ,吻合口漏 2例 ,均治愈出院。结论 结、直肠一期手术是安全的 。
Objectives To explore effection of primary operation for traumatic and obstaction of colorectum.Methods 24 cases of patients with injure and obstruction of bowel who had been operated in primary inresinal repair and anastmosis,which the preoperative antibiotics and during the operation colocysis had been given for cleaning.Results After that,intestinal fistula occurred in 2 cases,infection of walls occrred in 11 cases that not died.Conclusions The primary operation of colorectum is safity which resection,repair and anastomosis for injury and obstruction,but still required proper perioperative and intraoperative manaagement.
Ningxia Medical Journal