1990年1月在成都市大邑县双河区先后发生了4.2和4.6级地震,此为双震型地震,整个地震序列 b 值很低。两次地震震级差很小,但波及的范围、破坏的程度却明显不同。龙门山前山断裂是这次地震的发震构造。
Two earthquakes with magnitudes 4.2 and 4.6 occurred one after another in Shuanghe town, Dayi county,Chengdu in Jan.1990.They belong to double seismic type with very low b value of whole earthquake sequence.Two earthquakes with similar magnitudes have significantly different ef- fect ranges and damage degrees.Qianshan fault in front part of Longmenshan Mountain is the statuto- ry of the earthquakes.
Earthquake Research in Sichuan