采用光镜、透射电镜及固体荧光测定考查了用自制偶联剂CGE(N)-R型处理前、后的牙本质表面状态.光镜下显示,牙本质小管及其小孔,以脱钙后更为清晰.电镜下能直接观察到偶联剂晶体被牙本质吸附的状态.荧光光谱测定结果表明:偶联剂处理后的牙本质的荧光峰位红移达11~31 nm,由此给出了偶联剂与牙本质之间化学结合的明确信息.为牙本质与偶联剂结合机理模式的建立提供了有力的实验依据.
In order to research the states of dentine surface and dentine surface primed with coupling agent, we used microscope, transmission electron microscope(TEM)and solid fluorescence methods. Observed under microscope, patterning of dentinal tubules and their poles are very explicit; through the view of interface between coupling agent adsorbed and human dentine powder by TEM, it shows that the coupling agent is adsorbed onto the dentine surface as if it 'grew out' of the denting surface; through examination of interface between the coupling agent adsorbed and dentine surface by fluorescence spectrum, which differed from that of the coupling agent or dentine surface, i. e., this fluorescence spectrum of interface changed obviously(red shift). This phenomenon indicates that there is a chemical reaction occurring between tooth surface and adsorbed coupling agent. Therefore we can conclude that the three examinations are necessary to provide the argument for establishment of chemical bonding mechanism between dentine and coupling agent.
Journal of Southwest Nationalities College(Natural Science Edition)