目的 :建立反相高效液相色谱法 (PR -HPLC)测定民间药猪刺根中盐酸小檗碱含量的方法。方法 :采用十八烷基键合硅胶柱KromasilC18,流动相为甲醇 -乙腈 -水 (40 :2 0 :4 0 ) ,检测波长 346nm ,流速 1ml/min ,柱温 5 0℃。结果 :在 0 .2 5 6 μg2 .0 4 8μg范围内 ,线性关系良好 ,回归方程 y =5E + 0 .6X + 2 110 .1,r =0 .9994 14 ,平均加样回收率为 10 0 .2 8%。结论 :RP -HPLC测定盐酸小檗碱含量准确 ,且重现性好 ,盐酸小檗碱含量不得少于 1.6 0 %。
Objective: Objective: to establish the determination of hydrochloric berberine in berberis soulieana schneid by way of PR-HPLC. Method: Applying octadecyl silane chemically boned to porous silica Kromasil C18 for column, methanol-acetonitrile-water (40:20:40) for mobile phase, detective wave 346nm, flow rate 1ml/min, temperature 50℃. Results: The calibration curve for hydrochloric berberine was linear within 0.256~2.048μg, with regression equation y=5E+0.6x+2110.1 and r=0.999414. The average recovery rate was 100.28%. Conclusion: The method is accurate and reproducible, and can be used for the quality control of hydrochloric berberine in berberis soulieana schneid, which should not be less than 1.6%.
Hunan Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology