探讨审稿者年龄对审稿质量是否有影响。对 64期中华系列杂志已刊发论文的 40 60份审稿意见 ,按A组 (审稿者3 5~ 49岁 )和B组 (5 0岁以上 ) 2组分别进行分类整理。结果为不同年龄组对审稿侧重点不完全相同 :在设计方法及提出修改意见方面 ,A组提出的建议较B组少 ,而在对统计学方法提出修改建议及对参考文献进行审核方面 ,A组提出的建议较B组多。提示应该大胆启用年轻的审稿专家 ,从而可以使审稿队伍趋于年轻化。
To understand whether the age of peer reviewers is related to the qu ality of peer review, 4 060 sheets of peer review comments on manuscripts from 64 Chinese Journals of Medicine were analysed. The sheets were divided into 2 gr oups: group A{<50 years old(35~49)}and group B {>50 years old(including 50) }. The results show that the effect of the age of peer reviewers on the qual ity of peer review differs because of their different focuses on manuscripts . The substantial comments on study design made by group A were less than those by B, indicating that younger reviewers are inferior to older reviewers in stud y design.The constructive comments on statistics and bibliographic references were more in group A than those in B. It is suggested that younger revie wers are encouraged to review manuscripts to meet complementary need between yo ung and old reviewers.
Acta Editologica