高温再热器管爆破是造成大容量机组非计划停运的主要因素之一 ,减少事故发生率对保证电站机组安全经济运行意义重大。以渭河发电有限公司 5号 10 2 5t/h型锅炉高温再热器爆破事故为例 ,通过取样进行综合试验分析 ,指出该高温再热器管材质状况已发生严重劣化 ,论证了管壁过热超温是导致爆管的根本原因 ,并对高温再热器管的当量使用温度和寿命状态进行了综合评估。
Test & analysis have proved that the HT reheater pipes are seriously eroded. The over-heat pipe wall is fundamental reason to cause pipe breaking, and integrated evaluation is conducted for the equivalent temperature & life of HT reheater. It can be used as reference for same kind of boiler to prevent efficacy losing of HP reheater pipes.
Northwest China Electric Power