选择最佳的 FACTS安装地点以提高电力系统的电压稳定性是一个重要而又实际的问题。负荷裕度是一种被一致认可的基本的电压稳定指标 ,文中推导了负荷裕度对线路电抗的灵敏度 ,该灵敏度可以被用来衡量在不同线路上装设 TCSC提高电压稳定性的效用 ,文中以此为指标选择最佳 TCSC的安装地点。该方法对系统的模型没有特殊要求 ,因而诸如负荷电压特性之类对电压稳定影响较大的因素可被考虑在内 ,从而提高了结果的准确性和实用性。最后在 IEEE1 4节点系统中应用该方法 。
The optim al placem entof FACTS devices for im proving power system voltage stability is an im portant and practical problem.L oad m argin is a basic and well- accepted voltage stability index.Here,the sensitivity of load margin to transmission line's reactance is deduced and used as an index for selecting the optim al location of TCSC for im proving power system voltage stability.The m ethod doses not require any simplifications of the system m odel so that factors affecting voltage stability such as the load- voltage characteristics can be treated in calculation to make the results m ore precisely. Finally the proposed method is demonstrated through an IEEE14 - bus test system.
Automation of Electric Power Systems