目的 :研究沙眼衣原体 (chlamydialtrachomatis,CT)感染后 ,输卵管粘膜上皮分泌细胞的结构及其分泌功能的改变。方法 :成年雌性家兔 ,单侧输卵管接种沙眼衣原体D型 ,于感染第 3d取材 ,中性福尔马林固定 ,常规石蜡包埋切片后 ,行HE、过碘酸 雪夫氏反应、标准阿利新蓝染色。结果 :输卵管受损部位主要局限于粘膜层 ,并可见以单个核细胞为主的炎性细胞浸润。PAS反应和标准阿利新蓝染色提示 ,沙眼衣原体的感染可导致分泌细胞内中性粘蛋白减少 ,粘膜上皮细胞游离面的酸性粘蛋白表达增加。结论 :外来微生物入侵时 ,由于机体的防御反应 ,粘膜上皮粘蛋白分泌增加 ,随着损伤的加重可能导致其粘蛋白合成障碍。无论是上皮受炎症刺激后粘蛋白过度分泌 ,还是受损严重后导致分泌减少 ,都可能影响输卵管上皮细胞与微生物或受精卵表面粘附分子的结合 ,从而使发生反复感染和宫外孕。
Objective: To study the alteration of the mucins, which located in the surface of the oviduct epithelium and the correlation between the chlamydial infections in oviducts and the development of the tubal infertilization or ectopic pregnancy. Methods: Female rabbits were inoculated CT serum D through one side of the oviduct. The mucins were detected with periodic acid schiff reaction and Alcian blue staining. Results: The chlamydial infection can promote the activity of the secretary cell. The neutral glycoprotein expressed in the test group's cytoplasm was less than in the control group. On the other hand, the acid glycoprotein expressed in the apical of the test group cell was more than that in the control group. Conclusion: As we know from our results, the mucins in the epithelium of the oviduct are related with the chlamydial infection, and we can conclude that the changes of the mucins in the oviduct after the chlamydial infection have something to do with the repeat infections and the embedding in the oviduct.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University
湖北省计生委资助课题 (13 0 3 83 )