目的 :探讨微波固化肝切除治疗肝癌的临床应用价值。方法 :应用微波固化加肝切除治疗 32例肝癌 ,并与同期传统方法切除 2 8例肝癌进行比较。结果 :32例微波肝切除每例平均出血量 4 10 m l,切肝时间平均 76 m in,仅 1例行肝门阻断 ,并发症为 2例。传统切肝 2 8例 ,平均出血量 110 0 m l,切肝时间平均 10 2 m in,2 3例需阻断第 1肝门 ,并发症 5例。两组病例生存时间无显著差异。但微波切肝组术后切缘复发仅 1例 ,而传统切肝组 6例。结论 :微波固化加肝切除治疗肝癌出血量小 ,并发症少 ,可减少切缘复发。是一种安全、有效的手术方式 。
Objective: To evaluate clinical application of hepatectomy with microwave coagulation for liver carcinoma Methods: We performed 32 cases of hepatectomy with microwave coagulation and compared them with 28 cases of traditional hepatectomy without using microwave in the same times Results: In the 32 cases of hepatectomy with microwave coagulation, the average amount of bleeding was 410 ml, liver resection time was 76 minutes, and 2 had complications Only one case was treated by adopting by pringle's method In the 28 cases of traditional hepatectomy, the average amount of bleeding was 1 100 ml, linver resecting time was 102 minutes, and 5 had complications 23 cases were treated by adopting by pringle's method The resected margin recurrence in hepatectomy with microwave coagulation and traditional hepatectomy were 1 case and 6 cases respectively The average amount of bleeding, complications and resected margin recurrence were singnificantly different (P<0 05) Conclusion: This study suggests that hepatectomy with microwave coagulation can reduce effectively the amount of bleeding and lower complications and resected margin recurrence This method has advantages of safety and effectiveness, So it should be popularized
Journal of Guangxi Medical University
广西区卫生厅计划课题 (9713 )