目的 :探讨广西地区人群体重指数 (BMI)与血压、血糖、血脂、脂肪肝、心电图异常、性别、民族及其他心脑血管病史等因素的相关性 ,并比较这些因素在壮族与汉族人群中的差异。方法 :对在本院及田阳县、田东县参加体检的 110 5例壮族与汉族人群询问病史并检查身高、体重、血压、空腹血糖、血脂、肝脏 B超、心电图等。结果 :在控制其他因素后 ,汉族人群 BMI与脂肪肝、舒张压水平及高血压病史呈密切正相关关系 ,男性 BMI高于女性 ;壮族人群 BMI与脂肪肝、血清甘油三酯浓度及收缩压水平有密切正相关关系 ;汉族人群的年龄、 BMI、血清甘油三酯浓度、胆固醇浓度、收缩压水平、脂肪肝检出率及心电图异常检出率均较壮族人群高。结论 :肥胖与脂肪肝、血压、血脂密切相关 ,且广西汉族人群肥胖、脂肪肝、高血脂。
Objective: To study the associations of body mass index (BMI) with blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, serum lipids, fatty liver,electrocardiograph ( ECG), sex and nationality in the groups of Zhuang and Han in Guangxi, and investigate the difference of above between Zhuang and Han Methods: We investigated 1 105 subjects of Zhuang and Han in Guangxi Height, weight, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, serum lipids, ultrasoundgraph of liver and ECG were examined The history of diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease were quested Results: We found BMI of Han was associated significantly with fatty liver, diastolic blood pressure(DBP), hypertension history and sex (BMI in males higher than in females) BMI of Zhuang was associated significantly with fatty liver , triglyceride levels (TG) and systolic blood pressure(SBP) We also found that BMI, the levels of TG, total cholesterol (TC) and SBP in Han were higher than that in Zhuang The occurance rate of fatty liver and abnormal ECG were also higher than that in Zhuang Conclusion: Obsity is related to fatty liver, blood pressure and lipids Obsity,fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and abrormal ECG are more often dected in Han than that in Zhuang
Journal of Guangxi Medical University
广西自然科学基金资助项目 (合同号 :桂科 98110 0 4)