目的 :观察激素替代治疗对绝经妇女的糖代谢紊乱和胰岛素抵抗的影响。方法 :选择绝经妇女 2 1例 ,予倍美力 0 .6 2 5mg,每天 1次 ,安宫黄体酮片 4 m g,每天 1次 ,给药前及治疗后 6个月分别检测空腹血糖 (FBS)、餐后 2 h血糖 (PBS)、空腹胰岛素 (FINS)、胆固醇 (TC)、促卵泡刺激素 (FSH)、雌二醇 (E2 )等 ,治疗前后比较 ,并与正常育龄妇女 2 0例相比较。结果 :经激素替代治疗后 ,患者性激素水平恢复正常 ,FBS、PBS、FINS、TC、IRI均有明显改善 ,与治疗前比较有统计学意义。但胰岛素敏感状态未见改善。结论 :绝经妇女经适当的激素替代治疗后 ,可改善糖、脂代谢紊乱和减轻胰岛素抵抗 。
Objective:To investigate the changes in disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism and insulin resistance of menopausal women after hormonotherapy Methods: 21 normal menopausal women, treated with premarin 0 625 mg qd and medroxyprogesterone 4 mg qd, The levels of FBS, PBS, FINS, TC, FSH, LH were assayed after treatment for six months, and their levels before, during and after treatment for normal reproductive lift women Results:The level of sex hormone of patients return to normal after hormontherapy, and all the level of FBS ,PBS ,FINS ,TC ,IRI were lower (P<0 05) But the Insulin Sensitivty Index(ISI) has no change Conclusions:Suitable hormonotherapy could improve the IR and relieved the disorder of metabolism of glucose and fat, but could not improve the secretion of insulin
Journal of Guangxi Medical University