对长春市郊区不同轮作方式旱田的土壤杂草种子库中杂草种类进行了调查。结果表明 :不同轮作方式旱田土壤的杂草种子有 5科 8种 ,主要分布在 0~ 10cm土层内。玉米连作田和玉米—大豆轮作田土壤杂草种子库的主要杂草种类有 :小叶藜 (ChenopodiumserotinumL )、旱稗 [Echinochloacrusgalli (L )Beauv var hispidula (Retz )Hack ]、苘麻 (AbutilontheophratstiMedic )等 ,其中小叶藜为优势种 ;而小麦连作田 ,主要有反枝苋 (AmaranthusretroflexusL .)、旱稗等 ,其中反枝苋为优势种。玉米连作田杂草种子较均匀分布在各土层 ,而玉米—大豆轮作田杂草种子主要分布在 0~ 10cm土层 ,小麦连作田的杂草种子主要分布在 0~
The variety of weeds in weed bank of dry farmland of Changchun suburb under different ways of rotation was investigated The results showed that there were 8 species of weeds, belonging to 5 families, mainly distributing in 0~10 cm deep soil. Weed bank in maize continuous cropping field and maize soybean rotation field was composed of Chenopodium serotinum L which was dominant, Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv var hispidula (Retz ) Hack and Abutilon theophrasti Medic Weed bank in wheat continuous cropping field was composed of Amaranthus retroflexus L which was dominant, E crusgalli (L.) Beauv var hispidula (Retz ) Hack and C serotinum L Weed seeds of maize continuous cropping field even distribute in different soil depth. Weed seeds of maize soybean rotation cropping field mainly distribute in 0~10 cm soil depth. Weed seeds of wheat continuous cropping field distribute in 0~ 5 cm depth soil.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural University