目的 观察应用超选择性部分性脾动脉栓塞术 (PSE)治疗脾功能亢进的疗效。方法 经股动脉穿刺 Seldinger技术置入导管鞘 ,将导管尖端超选择插至脾动脉 ,注入高压消毒 5次的明胶海绵颗粒 ,栓塞部分脾动脉的分支血管。结果 2 0例 PSE患者与 15例脾切除对照组及文献报道比较 ,无明显差异。结论 本文对 PSE的栓塞范围和方法等影响疗效的因素进行了探讨 ,认为
Objective To observe the effect of selective partial spleen embolization(PSE) in the management of hypersplenism.Methods The catheterization of the femoral artery was carried out with Seldinger's method.The tip of catheter was pushed to the spleen artery and the grain of gelfoam disinfected five times under high pressure was injected to embolize partial spleen artery.Results There was no significant differece between the partial spleen embolization in 20 cases and splenectomy of in 15 cases.Conclusion PSE can take the place of surgical splenectomy.
Journal of Huaihai Medicine