根分叉区病变因其局部解剖复杂与多变 ,致病因素多种多样 ,病变破坏程度不同 ,治疗方法虽多但疗效不满意。近 2 0年来 ,随着对引导牙周组织再生术理论和临床应用研究的迅速进展 ,为促使牙周组织新附着的形成展现了良好前景。笔者系统回顾了根分叉病变的病因、非手术与手术治疗方法 ,特别是牙周再生技术在本病治疗中的应用 。
Because of the complication and variation in anatomy and cause, the treatment of root furcation lesion was very difficult. In the recent 20 years, as the progress of theory and clinical practice in the regeneration of periodontal tissue was made, the situation of periodontal attachment was improved. The writer reviewed the cause of root furcation lesion, the methods of surgery and non surgery, the regeneration of periodontal tissue skill in clinical practice. So as to serve the better treatment methods.
Acta Medicinae Sinica